Friday, June 30, 2023

The Five Rules for B2B Branding Success: Unlocking the Power of Memory

Being able to attend LinkedIn’s first B2B Marketing conference, B2Believe was a real privilege and amazing experience. Hearing from the wealth and depth of B2B marketing and business expertise that exists within LinkedIn was equally informative and inspiring. One of the presentations that really stuck with me was about the power of Memory for B2B branding.

In the fast-paced world of B2B branding, standing out from the competition and being remembered is crucial. In this blog post, I will share the key rules for effective B2B branding, drawing insights from a presentation by Mimi Turner, Head of EMEA & Latin America, The B2B Institute at LinkedIn.

I think we can all agree that by understanding the power of memory and leveraging strategic techniques, B2B businesses can gain access to the untapped opportunities in brand building. Here’s a summary of the five essential rules Mimi shared that can help shape your B2B branding strategy.

Rule 1: The 95/5 Rule – Understanding the Buying Cycle

One of the fundamental insights revealed in Mimi’s presentation was the 95/5 rule. I’ve heard Ty Heath also talk about this concept. It states that at any given moment, only 5% of B2B buyers are actively in the market, considering a purchase. The remaining 95% are not actively engaged in the buying process. This highlights the need for two distinct strategies: one for in-market buyers and another for out-of-market buyers. By recognizing these two groups and tailoring approaches to each, businesses can effectively capture attention and create brand recall.

Rule 2: The Power of Memory and Consideration

Memory plays a pivotal role in B2B branding. To be considered during the decision-making process, a brand must be remembered by potential buyers. Research indicates that buyers often start with a shortlist of familiar vendors when making a purchase. Therefore, being part of the consideration set is critical. Building memory structures through storytelling, colors, codes, and even catchy jingles can enhance brand recall and increase the chances of being selected.

Rule 3: Emotional Context in B2B Decision Making

Contrary to the belief that B2B decisions are solely rational, emotions and social considerations heavily influence the choices made. B2B purchases have far-reaching consequences, impacting teams, bosses, and job security. Acknowledging the emotional and social dimensions of these decisions allows brands to connect with buyers on a deeper level. By understanding the context and motivations of B2B decision-makers, brands can develop messaging that resonates and fosters stronger relationships.

Rule 4: Reach Maximization vs. Reach Minimization

B2B and B2C branding strategies exhibit distinct differences. B2C brands tend to adopt a reach maximization approach, utilizing a wide range of channels and creative strategies. In contrast, B2B brands often adopt a reach minimization approach, narrowing their focus to specific channels and emphasizing informational and educational content. However, to truly stand out and reach potential buyers, B2B brands can benefit from adopting a broader reach maximization strategy, effectively leveraging various channels and creative techniques.

Rule 5: Building Strategic Assets

While many B2B brands focus on short-term, response-driven campaigns, the true opportunity lies in building long-term strategic assets. These assets are ideas or campaigns that are committed to over time, maximizing reach, and creating lasting brand recall. Surprisingly, only a small percentage of B2B marketers focus on these strategic assets, presenting a significant opportunity for businesses that embrace this approach.

AJ Wilcox, Mimi Turner, Lee Odden at B2Believe

Making B2B Marketing memorable with AJ Wilcox and Mimi Turner at B2Believe 22

As you can see, B2B branding success can depend a lot on understanding the rules that govern the memory and decision-making processes of buyers. By embracing the 95/5 rule, optimizing for memory, recognizing the emotional context of decisions, adopting a reach maximization strategy, and building strategic assets, B2B businesses can position themselves for success. The untapped potential in B2B branding is vast, and those who take a proactive and strategic approach can differentiate themselves and leave a lasting impression in the minds of buyers.

Connect with Mimi on LinkedIn and The B2B Institute here.

The post The Five Rules for B2B Branding Success: Unlocking the Power of Memory appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: CMO Tech Budgets Hold Steady Ad Index Grows & LinkedIns AI Push

CMOs’ Major Resource Allocations to Remain Steady Amid Budget Pressures
Marketing technology budgets have held steady from 2022 to 2023, as 75 percent of chief marketing officers say they are confronted by pressures to do more with less, while 49 percent expect to increase their influencer marketing spending — the area least likely to see budget cuts, according to newly-published CMO survey data. MarketingCharts

U.S. Ad Index Expands For First Time In 11 Months In May
60 percent of overall U.S. media spending came from the digital sector during May, 2023 — up from 56 percent a year earlier, as the overall ad spending level increased for the first time in 11 months, according to recent ad index data. MediaPost

LinkedIn Launches Live Test of Generative AI Posts
Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has expanded its testing of optional generative AI technology for the creation of posts on the professional social platform, offering first-draft suggestions to certain users, LinkedIn recently announced. Social Media Today

Most Social Media Marketers Are Confident in Their Ability to Adopt AI for Marketing
49 percent of social media marketing professionals have said that they see customer behavioral segmenting and targeting as the top use for AI, with 45 percent pointing to predictive analytics and the use of dynamic pricing based on real-time data — three of the findings contained in recently-published survey data of interest to B2B marketers. MarketingCharts

Long taglines using ‘rare’ words are most memorable but least liked, study reveals
Choosing whether to focus on being remembered or being liked is a key decision when it comes to brand slogans, as brands seeking long-term recognition benefit from slogans that incorporate unusual and concrete words, according to newly-released research data. MarketingWeek

Forrester: Nearly One-Third Of Ad Agency Jobs Will Be “At Risk” From Automation By 2030
Despite almost of third of advertising agency jobs being at risk from automation by 2030, double-digit growth for market research and marketing specialists is expected by 2030, according to recent Forrester and U.S. Bureau of Labor data. MediaPost

2023 June 30 statistics image

Marketing When Budgets Are Down
When it comes to marketing effectively during challenging times, clarity, courage, and connection hold increasing importance in 2023’s era of less, and the Harvard Business Review recently took a look at measures to deliver marketing results and grow business despite economic challenges. Harvard Business Review

Google In Hot Water: Billions At Stake As YouTube Ads Found To Violate Terms Of Service
Search giant Google has come under pressure for having possibly misled businesses advertising on its YouTube and other properties through its Google Video Partners program, according to newly-published report data, as Google has in turn rejected the report findings as inaccurate. Search Engine Journal

YouTube Launches First Stage of Thumbnail A/B Testing in YouTube Studio
Google’s YouTube has begun tests that allow users of the video platform to perform comparison performance tests between several different video thumbnail images, which could lead to new opportunities for B2B brands to conduct A/B testing, YouTube recently announced. Social Media Today

How AI is impacting search advertising’s growth
Search engine advertising has begun seeing shifts due to the incorporation of generative AI technology in offerings from Google and Microsoft’s Bing, as spending for search advertising was expected to climb to $279.3 billion in 2023 — up from $251.7 billion in 2022, according to recently-published search advertising data of interest to digital marketers. DigiDay

“The turmoil unleashed by new AI tools and a changed landscape will be the best thing ever for SEO.” — Eli Schwartz @5le
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2023 June 30 Marketoonist Comic

A lighthearted look at “Innovation and TikTok” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

Argonne Aurora A21: All’s Well That Ends Better — The Next Platform


  • Ty Heath / LinkedIn — B2B advertising doesn’t need to be boring: why creativity is a key driver of profitability — ClickZ
  • Lee Odden — Here Are 6 Reasons Social Media Is Terrible: Why You Should Still Use It — Spartan Alliance
  • Lane R. Ellis — The Happiest Man in Social Media & Marketing [Podcast] — Lane Ellis — Are You Happy Podcast


Carla Johnson @CarlaJohnson
Gini Dietrich @ginidietrich
Ardath Albee @ardath421
Joe Lazauskas @joelazauskas
Zontee Hou @ZonteeHou

Learn more about TopRank Marketing‘s mission to help elevate the B2B marketing industry.

Have you uncovered a key B2B marketing news item that we haven’t yet covered? If so, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to join us for this week’s edition of the Elevate B2B Marketing News, and we hope that you will return next Friday for another array of the most up-to-date and relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: CMO Tech Budgets Hold Steady, Ad Index Grows, & LinkedIn’s AI Push appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

AI & Creativity: Key B2B Marketing Insights From The 2023 Cannes Creative B2B Lions

As more B2B marketers than ever gathered recently for the Cannes Creative B2B Lions at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, it’s natural to wonder — just what are the key insights that emerged, and how can B2B marketers best put them to use?

Although the event celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2023, it was only the second year where B2B marketers had their own special section of the festivities in the form of the Creative B2B Lions, including an array of B2B-specific marketing award categories.

Let’s jump right in and examine some of the key themes and trends from this year’s second-annual Cannes Creative B2B Lions.

AI Top of Mind & Poised To Touch Every Aspect of Marketing

Generative AI continued its run as 2023’s centerpiece topic at Cannes just as it has in nearly all segments of society, as marketers in B2C and B2B have continued grappling with how to best use the technology while maintaining — and growing — brand authenticity and trust.

“AI has the potential to revolutionize every single part of marketing,” Marie Gulin-Merle, global vice president of ads marketing at Google, suggested after presenting curing Cannes.

Because of the AI innovations 2023 has seen, Guilin-Merle called this an exciting time for marketers. “Marketing is about connecting brands and products to people,” she noted. “The ‘what’ remains the same. The ‘how’ is changing again. Marketers, we can finally get back to marketing,” she observed, while offering up a list of some of the AI tools that Google’s own marketing teams are working with, including:

  • Bard experimental conversational AI service
  • Imagen and Phenaki text-to-image and text-to-video tools
  • PaLM API for generating social media copy
  • Gmail and Google Docs “Help me write” feature

“AI has the potential to revolutionize every single part of marketing. The ‘what’ remains the same. The ‘how’ is changing again. Marketers, we can finally get back to marketing.” — Marie Gulin-Merle @MarieGulin
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Our own CEO Lee Odden recently delivered a keynote about AI’s impact on B2B marketing, presenting “Human vs Machine: The Future of B2B Content Marketing” during the BtoB Summit Paris 2023 conference.

Lee began his presentation explaining how generative AI essentially “makes you more of what you already are,” with poor content simply being turned into even more sub-par content if that’s what a marketer brings to the AI table, while those who instead present creativity and imagination to AI tools will be rewarded with even more quality B2B marketing content that is creative and imaginative.

As the team at Think With Google recently looked at as its weekly “big topic,” it’s more a matter of AI plus creativity, and not AI versus creativity.

As a hot topic at Cannes, AI and how it can best be used by B2B marketers is an issue we’ve spent considerable time effort to explore here on the TopRank Marketing blog, including the following pieces:

Creativity Drives Profitability And Pushes Boring B2B Aside

Creativity is playing an even more important role in B2B marketing in the age of generative AI, simultaneously helping to increase brand awareness and drive profitability — all qualities that surfaced time and again during Cannes.

The Creative B2B Lions event and awards were established in 2022 in conjunction with the B2B community — most notably The B2B Institute — the industry think tank by LinkedIn* that researches the future of B2B marketing and decision making.

Tyrona Heath, director of market engagement at The B2B Institute at LinkedIn, shared some of the many ways that creativity adds value to today’s B2B marketing efforts, in “B2B advertising doesn’t need to be boring: why creativity is a key driver of profitability.”

“Creativity plays a significant role in building and expanding your brand size,” Heath explained.

“It leads to increased brand recognition, differentiation, customer loyalty, and ultimately having a larger market presence. And investing in creativity has a positive impact on financial performance because it serves as a multiplier,” Heath added.

As Cannes wrapped up, Heath further reflected on the increasing power of creativity.

“In this second year of the Creative B2B Lions, I am inspired by the caliber of work we encountered. Imagining what the future holds, I can’t wait to see how B2B creativity will continue to evolve 5, 10, and 15 years from now,” Heath — who served as a juror during the event — noted.

“In this second year of the Creative B2B Lions, I am inspired by the caliber of work we encountered. Imagining what the future holds, I can’t wait to see how B2B creativity will continue to evolve 5, 10, and 15 years from now.” — @Tyrona
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During Cannes Lions the LinkedIn Collective broadcast live from the event, with a variety of LinkedIn Live sessions exploring the trends and challenges surrounding AI in B2B marketing, now available on-demand in, “AI-Powered B2B Marketing: Trends & Dangers,” and a lively conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the B2B marketing landscape, in “Prioritizing DEI in B2B Organizations.”

B2B marketing is undergoing significant shifts, if not an outright renaissance, as Tom Stein, chairman and chief growth officer at Stein IAS and Creative B2B Lions jury president, noted that, “This is B2B’s decade. It started on stage in Cannes last night.”

“This is B2B’s decade. It started on stage in Cannes last night.” — Tom Stein @Tom_Stein
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As another of the key trends at Cannes this year, the rising power of creativity in 2023 has been the subject of several articles we’ve recently published, including:

Use AI & Creativity To Elevate B2B Marketing

Generative AI and creativity may initially appear as two altogether different endeavors, however as our take-aways from Cannes have shown, both offer compelling justifications for B2B marketers to use, especially when each is factored into the other’s strategy.

The future of B2B marketing is poised to feature a uniquely human touch optimized with AI for creative storytelling.

“The future of B2B marketing is poised to feature a uniquely human touch optimized with AI for creative storytelling.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis
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We hope that the Cannes insight we’ve shared here will help you in your own efforts to elevate B2B marketing throughout 2023 and beyond.

To learn more about B2B marketing imagined by humans and optimized by machines, be sure to catch our CEO Lee Odden presenting during B2B Ignite London on Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., with a presentation entitled, “The New Kingdom of Content in 2023 and How to Wear the Crown.” Get the full details — including Lee’s list of eight must-see sessions during the event — in “The New Kingdom of Content for B2B Marketing – TopRank at B2B Ignite London.”

Kingdom of Content for B2B Marketing in 2023 Presentation

More than ever before, creating award-winning B2B marketing that elevates, gives voice to talent, and humanizes with authenticity takes considerable time and effort, which is why more brands are choosing to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Reach out to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for over 20 years for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and many others.

* LinkedIn is a TopRank Marketing client.

The post AI & Creativity: Key B2B Marketing Insights From The 2023 Cannes Creative B2B Lions appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

4 B2B Marketing Lessons from Disneys The Little Mermaid

Inspiration for how to be a better marketer can come from just about anywhere, including under the sea. Or should I say: Under The Sea, the best song from the 1989 Disney classic The Little Mermaid.

In the song, the crab Sebastian spends nearly three minutes singing to the mermaid Ariel about why she should not attempt to live on land. When we look at the song through a B2B marketing lens, it becomes a stark case study in common mistakes that any marketer should avoid.

There are four mistakes Sebastian makes in the course of this specific song that B2B marketers can learn a lesson from. Let’s take a look at each one and what they can teach us as marketers.

Mistake #1: He has the wrong message

Sebastian clearly did not consider his audience when preparing the message for this song. He centers his messaging around how staying under the sea will help her not get eaten by humans. The only problem is: humans don’t typically eat mermaids.

Instead, he may have considered a more practical message around how she would not be able to walk or breathe on land. While it’s true that Ariel eventually does get some spiffy human legs after trading her voice for them, messaging around the practical safety considerations earlier on in her decision making process may have resonated and caused her to reconsider.

The lesson for marketers: always make sure you understand your audience’s actual pain points. Don’t assume their problems are the same as your problems!

“Always make sure you understand your audience’s actual pain points. Don’t assume their problems are the same as your problems!” — Art Allen @punsultant
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Mistake #2: He has the wrong messenger

I am not the first to make this point, but your dad’s coworker is probably the last person you’d listen to for advice on how to deal with the boy you like. Instead, Sebastian should have recruited someone Ariel would have been more likely to listen to. This is influencer marketing — or, in this case, maybe it’s finfluencer marketing.

Sebastian might have recruited Ariel’s good friend Flounder to deliver the “don’t try to go live on land” message. After all, Flounder also has an interest in keeping Ariel under the sea: he doesn’t want to lose his friend. Going with a more trustworthy source may very well have yielded better results.

The lesson for marketers: you (or your client) may not always be the best messenger. Consider an influencer marketing campaign to add credibility to your message.

“You (or your client) may not always be the best messenger. Consider an influencer marketing campaign to add credibility to your message.” — Art Allen @punsultant
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Mistake #3: He doesn’t pivot

About two thirds of the way through the song, Flounder whispers in Ariel’s ear and they both leave. In the marketing world, we would call this real-time analytics: he can actually see his audience disengaging. But he’s too busy having fun with his song to notice.

The result of this is that he spends a full third of his campaign messaging to an audience that isn’t even there.

If he had noticed Ariel leaving, he could have pivoted. Whether changing up his message, his messenger, or some other aspect of his appeal, he shouldn’t have continued with the campaign as it was.

Lesson for marketers: pay attention to your analytics! If your audience isn’t responding to your campaign, dig into the data to figure out why and pivot accordingly.

“Pay attention to your analytics! If your audience isn’t responding to your campaign, dig into the data to figure out why and pivot accordingly.” — Art Allen @punsultant
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Mistake #4: He doesn’t use generative AI

Yes, this one may seem a little unfair. But we’re halfway through 2023 here, and generative AI has matured and more than proven its value to marketers. There are no excuses for leaving generative AI out of your marketing toolbox — not even being a cartoon crab.

Sebastian might have used a generative AI tool like ChatGPT to brainstorm a list of concepts for how to present his argument. He also could have used a tool like Midjourney to create compelling visual aids to help tell his story.

Regardless of how he used it, the amount of help with ideation, concept revision, and content creation that generative AI tools offer very well may have provided him with what he needed to present a more compelling message.

Lesson for marketers: learn how to use generative AI tools. They are not a replacement for the hard work of making great marketing content, but they are invaluable for working more efficiently and effectively.

“Learn how to use generative AI tools. They are not a replacement for the hard work of making great marketing content, but they are invaluable for working more efficiently and effectively.” — Art Allen @punsultant
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Don’t Make a Big Mistake

The world of B2B marketing may not be quite as magical as life under the sea, but in both places it’s easy to make mistakes. But those mistakes aren’t inevitable, and putting in a little bit of thought before, during, and after any campaign can help make sure your clients have a happy ending.

Learn more about crafting great B2B content experiences with our new free guide, Marketing with Intent: The Future of SEO & B2B Search Traffic.

Marketing with Intent: The Future of SEO & B2B Search Traffic

The post 4 B2B Marketing Lessons from Disney’s The Little Mermaid appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, June 26, 2023

The New Kingdom of Content for B2B Marketing TopRank at B2B Ignite London

As we sink into the realm of “do more with less” in B2B Marketing, the shiny sirens of generative AI content are all around us. But the way to rule a B2B brand’s content kingdom is not artificial. It is through a hybrid of humanity and technology that B2B marketers can effectively attract, engage and pull prospects over the line to become customers in this time of challenge and change.

But what does this art and science B2B marketer look like? How can a hybrid approach make our content smarter, more meaningful and powerful?

Kingdom of Content for B2B Marketing in 2023 Presentation
That’s exactly what I will be sharing in my presentation at the 2023 B2B Ignite conference in London. This will be my second time presenting at the event in the UK and I’m excited to share how our team at TopRank Marketing are helping client brands like Adobe EMEA and LinkedIn achieve significant wins with trusted, best answer content that is data informed and optimized for the experiences buyers are looking for.

Joel Harrison and Lee Odden at BtoB Summit Paris 2023

Joel Harrison & Lee Odden at BtoB Summit Paris

Beyond sharing the learnings of our B2B marketing agency and clients, I am looking forward to learning from the excellent roster of speakers my pal Joel Harrison has lined up for the event. I had the pleasure of keynoting the BtoB Summit conference in Paris along with Joel and he’s a tough act to follow.

Here are some of the sessions I am looking forward to at B2B Ignite in London for 2023:

Reimagining the relationship between marketing and our buyers
Antonia Wade
Global chief marketing officer at PwC

The Three Alignments: How AI drives dramatic revenue production outcomes
Kerry Cunningham
Research & Thought Leadership, 6sense

Mastering marketing in a tech-driven world: Fall in love with the problem, not the solution
Edward Greig
Chief Disruptor, Deloitte

How to integrate AI into your content team – and keep everyone’s job
Ben Lee
PR & Content Manager, Bidwells

How storytelling can help you do more with less
Anthony Tasgal
Trainer, Author, Strategist at POV Marketing and Research Ltd

MASTERCLASS: Value marketing framework: How to create a value-based Marketing Strategy through CX
Barbara Stewart
Propolis Expert for Customer Experience, B2B Marketing

WORKSHOP: How to deploy and maintain a best-in-class social selling program
Dan Swift
CEO, Numentum

ROUNDTABLE: Aligning communities and experiences to drive marketing ROI
Michael Barnett

If you are attending B2B Ignite in London in 2023, I hope to see you at the conference. There will be two days jam packed with all the information B2B marketers will need to succeed in 2023 and beyond.

And if you are keen on leaning into more data informed and credible content that helps your B2B brand become the best answer for your customers, then don’t miss my presentation on Thursday June 29 at 2:00pm: The New Kingdom of Content in 2023 and How to Wear the Crown. I hope to see you there!

The post The New Kingdom of Content for B2B Marketing – TopRank at B2B Ignite London appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Friday, June 23, 2023

10 Key Take-Aways From ANAs Masters of B2B Marketing

What can B2B marketers learn from the top presentations that were on tap during the Association of National Advertisers annual ANA Masters of B2B Marketing 2023 conference?

The event, which took place in Orlando, Florida and online, was all-B2B, all the time, and offered the latest B2B marketing insight by leading speakers including Linda Boff of GE, Toni Clayton-Hine of Ernst & Young LLP, and many other top industry speakers.

Marketing conferences offer a true wealth of benefits to marketers seeking the latest learning, new networking opportunities, and the freshest industry research and insight to increase brand awareness.

Let’s take a look at some of the top B2B marketing take-aways from the insight-filled ANA Masters of B2B Marketing 2023 conference, in the form of social messages surrounding the conference that have particularly resonated with B2B marketers.
ANA Masters of B2B Marketing 2023 image

1 — 1st & 3rd Party Data + AI Drives Account-Based Marketing Success

2 — Human Needs Go Beyond Mere Buzz With Brand Experiences

3 — Become An Open-Source Marketer

4 — Be A Mentor & Make Customers The Hero

5 — Help Ease The Spaghetti Bowl of Today’s B2B Buying

6 — Embrace B2B Simplicity Over Complex Counting

7 — The B2B Marketing Magic of Decisive Messaging

8 — Measure To Manage In B2B Marketing

9 — The First-Reach B2B Reward

10 — The Importance of Making Good B2B Decisions in Bad Times

Elevate B2B Marketing With Event Insights

Through its series of events, the ANA and the speakers it has gathered together have helped raise the bar in B2B marketing.

We hope that the insight we’ve shared here will help you in your own efforts to elevate B2B marketing throughout 2023 and beyond.

To find upcoming B2B marketing events be sure to check out our “50+ Top 2023 B2B Marketing Events To Learn From.”

More than ever before, creating award-winning B2B marketing that elevates, gives voice to talent, and humanizes with authenticity takes considerable time and effort, which is why more brands are choosing to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Contact us to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for over 20 years for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and many others.

Ready to elevate your B2B brand? Connect with our team to learn more today!

The post 10 Key Take-Aways From ANA’s Masters of B2B Marketing appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

What B2B Marketers Need to Know from LinkedIns New Benchmark Report

It is one of my great privileges as a B2B marketer to be able to collaborate with the brilliant minds at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, who’ve been clients of TopRank Marketing for many years.

As an online professional network with a membership nearly one billion strong, LinkedIn is purpose-built for developing careers, talking shop, and doing business. As such, it’s an ideal environment for discovering and engaging with valuable B2B audiences – a selling point that’s grown central to the messaging for LinkedIn’s ads business: The Place to B2B.

In an ambitious effort to fulfill this mission, LinkedIn recently partnered with Ipsos to produce the B2B Marketing Benchmark report, which surveyed nearly 2,000 global B2B leaders to explore the state of the discipline here in 2023.

Expected to be the first in an annual flagship series of research, the B2B Marketing Benchmark is filled with enlightening information and insight around budgets, organizational dynamics, and evolving strategies.

Here are four findings that struck me as most noteworthy as I dug through this expansive, in-depth report.

B2B Marketing Benchmark: 4 Key Insights

#1: B2B marketing budgets are rising amid economic uncertainty

The economic outlook from CEOs may remain tepid as we wade into the summer months, but LinkedIn’s report found that across various regions, B2B leaders are expecting increases in budgets and spending:

  • 6 in 10 respondents in the survey said budgets increased in the past year
  • More than 2 in 3 say budgets will increase in the next year

Conspicuously bucking the upward trend is the highly-competitive tech sector, which had the highest rate of budget decrease (26%) of any covered. This creates an interesting opportunity for ambitious tech companies to gain an edge – LinkedIn’s B2B Institute has previously studied the outsized value of investing during a recession while others dial back.

In terms of where budgets are being allocated, lead generation owns the biggest share at 36%, but at 30%, brand building and awareness is not far behind.

#2: CMOs are gaining more influence (and accountability)

The evolving role of marketing leadership in the C-suite reflects the evolving role of marketing in the B2B organization. With increased budgets comes increased responsibility.

LinkedIn’s report found that roughly two out of three CMOs and CFOs believe the importance of the CMO role has increased, with these biggest changes being observed:

  • Expected to be able to demonstrate marketing impact to bottom line
  • More direct role in driving revenue and growth
  • Under more pressure to prove ROI in less time

In the face of these pressures, B2B leaders generally express confidence and optimism about marketing’s ability to drive revenue in the year ahead, with 86% of respondents sharing a positive outlook. Notably, CFOs in the survey were more likely to say they are optimistic (60%) than CMOs (49%).

#3: In-person events are the most popular, and effective, B2B marketing channel

This feels like one of the banner headlines to come out of the B2B Marketing Benchmark report: in-person events are back in a big way. Respondents named them as both the top B2B marketing channel in terms of effectiveness and planned usage.

In an increasingly digital marketplace, buyers and marketers still value the dynamic of face-to-face interactions and networking – maybe even more so following the pandemic shutdown.

“In an increasingly digital marketplace, buyers and marketers still value the dynamic of face-to-face interactions and networking – maybe even more so following the pandemic shutdown.” — Nick Nelson @NickNelsonMN
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The next two most popular channels for B2B marketing, trailing in-person events only slightly, are video and thought leadership, underscoring the heightened focus on reaching audiences through engaging formats with insightful content.

Previous LinkedIn research conducted in partnership with Edelman found that B2B thought leadership can have an especially pronounced impact on buyers in a tough economy.

#4: Excitement for generative AI is held back by a knowledge gap

Marketers everywhere are feeling the hype around generative AI tools like ChatGPT, and those who are already leveraging this technology are seeing the benefits: among all tactics in the report, generative AI saw the highest predicted usage increase.

At the same time, however, only 17% of B2B marketing leaders indicated that they have an “extremely good understanding” of generative AI marketing techniques, so there’s room for growth and it’s a very worthy area for building skills and knowledge.

As a primer, you can check out our post on the advantages and limitations of generative AI for content marketing, to gain a base understanding of what the technology can do, and what it can’t (or shouldn’t) do.

Elevate Your B2B Marketing Benchmarks

It’s an exciting time for the B2B sector, and LinkedIn’s new research helps highlight some of the biggest opportunities in marketing right now. Budgets are holding strong for the moment, CMOs are in the driver’s seat, events are revving up, and generative AI is changing the game in profound ways.

Make sure to check out the full B2B Marketing Benchmark, as I’ve merely scratched the surface of the wealth of information and analysis within.

Check out the full “The B2B Marketing Benchmark” report from LinkedIn.

The post What B2B Marketers Need to Know from LinkedIn’s New Benchmark Report appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Solvable Strategy: 4 B2B Marketing Take-Aways from Board Games

We don’t often think of them this way — probably because it makes them sound suspiciously like homework — but every game is a kind of teaching tool. The mechanics of the game are a metaphor for the lessons that game means to impart. Succeeding at the game means internalizing these lessons.

But the thing about games that separates them from mere lesson-imparting devices is that they aren’t fundamentally prescriptive. There isn’t necessarily one, overarching, inescapable moral of the story handed down from the creators to the players. Instead, players are invited to “read” the game themselves, bringing their own experiences and understandings into it.

The way the player’s pre-existing understandings collide with the curated experience of a game creates something that’s more than the sum of its parts. Different players take different experiences and lessons away from their time with the game.

This unique interaction means games can function as a kind of meditative tool for reaching a deeper understanding of all kinds of facets of our lives — and ourselves. For example: When I play board games, I often find myself applying the “metaphors” I’m learning through the game-play back to marketing. I’ll come away from a game bursting with inspiration about new approaches I can take to my work.

Is this a healthy, non-obsessive way to enjoy a hobby? Well…

But! Do I find it fascinating and legitimately, professionally helpful? Absolutely!

Will you find it helpful? I have no idea! All I can do is relate some of the big marketing takeaways I’ve had while playing some interesting board games recently. The rest is up to the game you’re playing and you.

1 — Catan

In “Catan” (formerly called “Settlers of Catan”), players take turns attempting to develop their own societies on the fictional island Catan by gathering and trading resources and then using these resources to build settlements, roads, and other developments. Players gain one “victory point” for each settlement they have established and two points for each city, while other achievements such as building the longest road grant points, as well. The first player to reach ten victory points wins.

The surest path toward victory in Catan is to have a plan in mind as soon as you start. Work backwards from victory, understanding exactly what you need to win and strategically accumulating the resources and carefully planning your settlement’s development to make that victory happen. Sound familiar?

Marketing — and especially B2B marketing — like Catan, is all about planned scalability. It’s not enough to know what you need to be successful now. Instead, you need to know exactly how you’re going to leverage your early wins for greater success down the line. What is this ad campaign going to turn into? Where is that road you’re building going? You’re not over-investing in sheep again, are you?

“B2B marketing is all about planned scalability. It’s not enough to know what you need to be successful now. Instead, you need to know exactly how you're going to leverage your early wins for greater success down the line.” — @ShiitakeHarry
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2 — Ticket to Ride

In “Ticket to Ride,” players take turns building train routes connecting cities across a region such as the U.S. and southern Canada. The game ends when one player only has two or fewer train pieces remaining. At this point, every player calculates points based on the length of their routes and several other factors, and the player with the highest value overall wins.

Not only are the longest routes worth the most points in Ticket to Ride, but the player with the longest route wins 10 bonus points. Of course, the longer the route, the riskier your attempt to build it becomes, as your opponents will have more opportunities to thwart you. In other words, if you plan too far in advance or your plan is too rigid, then chances are it’s going to get cut off at the pass.

The same is true for marketing: creating a brand plan is crucial for development… but marketers have to understand that our plans rarely happen the way we want them to. Instead, opportunities and obstacles naturally crop up along the way, and we’ll have to adapt day-by-day and campaign-by-campaign to compensate. The resulting ride probably won’t end up as efficient as we’d like it to be, but if we do our jobs right, it will still get us where we need to go.

“Marketers have to understand that our plans rarely happen the way we want them to. Instead, opportunities and obstacles naturally crop up along the way, and we’ll have to adapt day-by-day to compensate.” — Harry Mackin @ShiitakeHarry
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3 — Root

“Root” is an asymmetric board game, which means each of the players has different actions to take every turn, working toward different goals, and even has different victory conditions. In addition to learning their own faction, therefore, players also have to get a sense of what their opponent is up to so they can use their own unique options to interfere.

Winning at Root requires mastering two, equally important facets of the game: 1. the ability to understand your own unique strengths and leverage them to the hilt and 2. the ability to understand your opponent’s unique strengths and know exactly how to position yourself relative to these strengths. The comparisons here practically write themselves.

The best marketing needs both: 1. to understand its own brand’s strengths and 2. be able to clearly articulate what makes those strengths particularly desirable in their space. The better you can make what’s special about your brand more appealing than what’s special about your competition’s, the more successful your marketing becomes. “Winning” in marketing isn’t really about beating your competition at their own game; it’s about playing your own game better than they play theirs.

“The best marketing needs both: 1. to understand its own brand’s strengths and 2. be able to clearly articulate what makes those strengths particularly desirable in their space.” — Harry Mackin @ShiitakeHarry
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4 — Décorum

(Disclaimer: I helped make this next game, and I’m shamelessly self-promoting it from my day job. But hey, I drew pretty heavily from my own experiences as a marketer when designing it, and they told me I could write this, so…)

“Décorum” is about home decoration, and, as anyone who has decorated a home with another person can tell you, you and your partner will wind up having very different ideas about how it should look. Both of your decor “requirements” must all be fulfilled at the same time in order to win… but you only know yours, and your partner only knows theirs.

After making each move, you’ll have a chance to ask your partner if they “liked” what you just did, “hated” it, or didn’t care one way or the other. Working with only this limited information, you’ll have to find a home state you can both be happy with, one passive aggressive argument at a time.

In many games, it’s natural to focus only on fulfilling your own rules. If you try to do that in Décorum, however, you’ll run into the same arguments over and over again. Marketing works exactly the same way.

“Winning” in marketing isn’t about getting to make what I want to make, or even just making the most successful  campaign possible. Above all, to succeed at marketing, you have to understand what it means for your partner to win. If your marketing doesn’t suit your client’s brand, then it doesn’t matter how good it is.

“Above all, to succeed at marketing, you have to understand what it means for your partner to win. If your marketing doesn’t suit your client’s brand, then it doesn’t matter how good it is.” — Harry Mackin @ShiitakeHarry
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When you understand your client’s win conditions, hopefully you’ll have a “Décorum moment” of your own: you’ll put your conditions and theirs together and find the right approach your marketing can take to fulfill both, usually creating an even better end product in the process… even if that means putting your favorite antique lamp back into storage. Or, you know, cutting your favorite joke from the blog you’re turning in.

Not that I’d know anything about that.

To see what else the TopRank team can transform into a freewheeling discussion of marketing theory and practice, keep up with the TopRank B2B Marketing Blog. If you’d like to work with a B2B marketing team you can reach a genuine “Décorum moment” with (or you just want to play some board games with us), get in touch right now.

Ready to elevate your B2B brand? Connect with our team to learn more today!

The post Solvable Strategy: 4 B2B Marketing Take-Aways from Board Games appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: Spotify Woos B2B Marketers & Google EU AdTech Scrutiny

LinkedIn Adds New Video Ad Options, Expands Access to Conversation and Thought Leader Ads
Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has rolled out an array of new options for video ads accompanying long-form video content on the professional social platform, along with expanding access to its Thought Leader Ads and Conversation Ads, LinkedIn (client) recently announced. Social Media Today

Spotify launches new competition podcast The Perfect Pitch
Spotify has launched a new podcast — The Perfect Pitch — focusing on brand marketing leaders and creatives as they seek to craft successful advertising campaigns, the latest effort as the podcasting platform seeks to continue expanding its use among B2B brands, Spotify recently announced. Podcasting Today

“We’re out in the market, encouraging more B2B marketers to just take a more native approach with more of their brand building work.” — Jim Habig @JimHabig
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AI and marketing: What the stats show
64 percent of B2B marketers have said that they see AI as valuable in their marketing strategy, while 50 percent of marketers view inadequate adoption of AI as a roadblock to achieving their goals, while a leading 54 percent of IT professionals utilize AI — three of numerous statistics of interest to B2B marketers contained in recently-published AI marketing survey data compiled by MarTech. MarTech

Can a B2B Ad Be Interesting? Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort Accepted the Challenge
LinkedIn has launched a new marketing campaign that looks to upend many of the traditionally stoic elements of B2B marketing, featuring celebrity talent and efforts that will coincide with the Cannes Lion festival, which has expanded to include B2B-specific segments, and Hollywood Reporter recently took a look. Hollywood Reporter

Google faces EU break-up order over anti-competitive adtech practices
European Union regulators at the EU Commission have shared new concerns about search giant Google’s digital ad practices, potentially leading to a break-up order for Google and parent firm Alphabet, and a fine that could tally up to 10 percent of Google’s annual turnover, the EU Commission recently announced. Reuters

Podcasters Reportedly Have More Influence on Listeners Than… Influencers
75 percent of weekly podcast listeners have said that podcast hosts wield more influence than purely social media influencers, according to newly-published survey data that may help reinforce why more subject matter experts and B2B brand marketers have expanded into podcasting during recent years. MarketingCharts

2023 June 16 statistics image

Google Finally Launches The Perspectives Search Filter
Search giant Google has launched its new Perspectives search filter, which seeks to surface message forum posts and other content often-underrepresented in traditional search results, while offering brands new optimization opportunities, Google recently announced. Search Engine Roundtable

Brands, Creators Offered Gen AI Art Tools From Adobe
Adobe has given its storied Adobe Illustrator product its new Generative Recolor feature — the firm’s initial integration of its Adobe Firefly AI technology, Adobe recently announced during its MAX London event. MediaPost

Meta open sources an AI-powered music generator
Facebook parent firm Meta has unveiled its open-source AI-powered tool MusicGen, which creates music from descriptive text prompts, as the firm seeks to compete with similar AI-generated music technology from Google and other firms, and TechCrunch recently took a look. TechCrunch

What Do CFOs Want from CMOs?
Communicating the return-on-investment (ROI) that marketing brings to an organization is a top challenge among chief marketing officers, according to Spencer Stuart’s 19th annual “CMO Tenure Study,” and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) recently took a look at this and other top marketing obstacles facing today’s CMOs and chief financial officers. ANA


2023 June 16 Marketoonist Comic Image

A lighthearted look at “Virtual Reality” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

Take me back: The power of nostalgia in advertising — Kantar

Paul McCartney: AI has enabled a “final” Beatles song — Ars Technica


  • TopRank Marketing — 25 Popular Blogs about Content Marketing You Should Check — Adsy
  • Lee Odden — This Week in Marketing: Timeless Trends — LinkedIn (client)
  • Lee Odden — The Proof is Out There: Experts Discuss the Reality and Future of Buyer-level Intent Data — NetLine


Meisha Bochicchio @MarketingMeisha
Amy Higgins @amywhiggins
Scott Stratten @unmarketing
Ben Harmanus @BenHarmanus
Dr. Robert Cialdini @RobertCialdini

Learn more about TopRank Marketing‘s mission to help elevate the B2B marketing industry.

Have you come across a key B2B marketing news item we haven’t yet covered? If so, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to join us for this week’s edition of the Elevate B2B Marketing News, and we hope that you will return next Friday for another arrayof the most up-to-date and relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: Spotify Woos B2B Marketers & Google’ EU AdTech Scrutiny appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Friday, June 16, 2023

TopRank Marketing Keynote in Paris: Human vs. Machine and The Future of Content for B2B Marketing

Next week, TopRank Marketing is going abroad. The first stop is in Paris for the BtoB Summit Paris 2023.

This is not our CEO Lee Odden‘s first time presenting in France, but it will be his first on a large stage there and we just hope he’s been brushing up on his French.

The BtoB Summit is a premier event within the industry and is the perfect conference for global B2B marketers looking to learn more about B2B marketing and strategies. The summit features expert-led sessions, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and workshops focusing on B2B content marketing, influencer marketing, and much more.

Lee is a featured keynote speaker and will be presenting on Human vs Machine: The Future of B2B Content Marketing:

The B2B content marketing world is at a crossroads: how do we balance artificial intelligence with authentic inspiration? Not since the advent of the internet itself has so much innovation (and hype) captured the attention of marketers as Generative AI. This keynote presentation explores how to navigate this landscape of the future by combining the power of Gen AI with the unique insights and emotional intelligence only humans can provide. Key takeaways will include:
  • Identifying opportunities for AI integration in your content marketing process
  • Tactics for maintaining authentic, relatable content in an AI-dominated landscape
  • Examples of successful human-machine collaboration in B2B content marketing

The BtoB Summit provides an excellent opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with industry leaders, discuss best practices and strategies, and gain valuable insight into how to succeed in the increasingly competitive B2B space. Attendees are exposed to cutting-edge technologies and will learn about the latest trends in content creation, receive advice on how to leverage influencer marketing for business growth, and discover ways to increase visibility and engagement.

The summit will also feature round-table discussions that bring together B2B marketing leaders from around the globe to collaborate and share their experiences. This is a great opportunity for professionals to connect with other B2B markers, make meaningful connections, discuss the latest industry news and build valuable relations within the industry.

If you are in the region, there is still time to register and meet up with TopRank Marketing in person. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field of B2B marketing and take your business to new heights! The BtoB Summit Paris 2023 promises to be an event that you won’t soon forget.

And don’t forget to “Élever le marketing lors de cet excellent événement.”

BtoB Summit Paris 2023 Lee Odden keynote image

The post TopRank Marketing Keynote in Paris: Human vs. Machine and The Future of Content for B2B Marketing appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

B2B Marketers on the Move: Summer 2023 Marking Industry Talent & Trust

As the summer solstice nears, so to do new opportunities. As B2B marketers adjust to the changes that 2023 has brought, the industry continues to offer growth opportunities as well as unexpected shifts that often seem to happen so swiftly that they can be difficult to fully appreciate.

For more than 22 years, TopRank Marketing has had the honor of helping a diverse selection of the world’s leading B2B marketers and major global brands elevate and go beyond merely being competitive, to truly standing out from the crowd with creative and award-winning successes.

Throughout 2023 we’ve intensified our focus on elevating through intelligence, relevance, and the kinds of human touches that allow efforts to stand out from the increasing reach of those touched soley by artificial intelligence (AI) than by human hands. In this spirit, over the past several years we have regularly made a point of taking the time to honor and congratulate B2B marketing leaders who have recently seen career advancement.

When B2B marketers take on new leadership roles, it’s a natural time to seek out trusted resources that will help professionals in new positions hit the ground running, and TopRank Marketing is honored to be a go-to B2B content and influencer marketing agency for so many top marketers in new leadership roles. In 2023 we also continue to seek out B2B technology industry influencers advancing in their careers to partner with on compelling and unique content collaborations.

We extend our heartfelt soon-to-be summertime congratulations to each of the B2B marketing leaders featured in this tenth edition of B2B Marketers on the Move, and extend our thanks for sharing their insightful B2B marketing career advice.

B2B Marketers on the Move: Elevating Summertime B2B Marketing Leaders

Jennifer Griffin SmithJennifer Griffin Smith has taken a new position as Chief Market Officer at Acquia.

It’s a buyer’s world. Whether you’re in B2C or B2B, today’s customers have many choices. So you need to constantly ask yourself: Why should they choose to work with us? What do we have to offer that will truly make a difference to their business, their customers, and their lives?”

Jennifer Griffin Smith

Jennifer has been featured on the TopRank Marketing blog a number of times over the years, including “Jennifer Griffin Smith: Why Every Company Should Act Like a Media Company,” and “10 Years of Women Who Rock in Marketing.”
Brian SolisBrian Solis has taken a new position as Head of Global Innovation at ServiceNow.

There’s a saying that can’t help but think of in these times, ‘life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you.’ The gap between where we are and where we can be is only separated by what we unlearn, learn, and do differently moving forward.”

Brian Solis

Brian was featured in our “Inside B2B Influence: Brian Solis on the Future of Influence in B2B Marketing,” and in our comprehensive 59-page 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Report.
Meisha BochicchioMeisha Bochicchio has taken a new position as Digital Content Marketing Program Manager at VMware.

What do you want to be known for? Pick a small subset of specific topics and focus a majority of your time and effort on those areas. The classic 80/20 split works well here.”

Meisha Bochicchio

Justin LevyJustin Levy has been promoted to Sr. Director, Influencer Marketing & Head of Community at Demandbase.

Do you know what the single most important job of a community manager is? Providing value to the communities that they are responsible for. Full stop.”

Justin Levy

Justin has been featured in our “Inside B2B Influence: Justin Levy of Demandbase on Optimizing B2B Marketing with Influence,” and “20+ Reasons B2B Brands Are Increasingly Moving To Influencer Marketing.”
Caroline ForseyCaroline Forsey has taken a new position as Principal Marketing Manager at HubSpot.

Learning how to mold AI into the type of tool that fits our existing priorities and quality metrics will be key to retaining the audiences we’ve worked so hard to build. At its core, we know AI can’t replace the humanity behind marketing. So we won’t try to.”

Caroline Forsey

Caroline was featured in our “How B2B Influencer Marketing Offers Brands an Ideal Alternative to In-Person Events.”
Ryan ArnholtRyan Arnholt has taken a new position as Director of Business Development at TopRank Marketing.

The idea of elevating B2B marketing is about creating relationships, and understanding what you can do in marketing, business development, and sales, to create deep, meaningful connections.”

Ryan Arnholt

Ryan recent sat down with our director of agency marketing Katelyn Drake to share his B2B marketing insight, in “Marketers on the Move: Meet TopRank Marketing’s New Director of Business Development,” and has contributed to our blog as an author, in “B2B Ignite USA 2023 Wrap-Up: The Importance of Being Human.”
Jacqui MurphyJacqui Murphy has taken a new position as Chief Market Officer at

Jacqui has been featured on our blog over the years, including in “50 Influential Women in B2B Marketing Who Rocked in 2020.”

Dennis GoedegebuureDennis Goedegebuure has taken a new position as VP Brand & Creative Marketing at Bitdefender.

Sometimes it’s hard to help, and if an opportunity to help is presented, you dive right in.”

Dennis Goedegebuure

Dennis has been featured in our “14 Search Marketing Influencers at Top B2B & B2C Brands.”
Lidia SantosLidia Santos has been taken a new position as Global Brand Management Director, Oral Care at SUNSTAR GLOBAL.

Do you want to train your brain to concentrate better and be more effective? Practicing meditation makes us happier and more creative, and helps us cope better with stressful moments.”

Casey May
Casey May has taken a new position as Director, Global Campaign and Content Marketing Strategy at Xerox.

Kristine WebbKristine Webb has taken a new position as Senior Manager, NAMER Field Marketing & Events at LinkedIn*.

Accessibility is an integral part of diversity, equity and inclusion and a human right.”

Kristine Webb

Adrian FulleAdrian Fulle has taken a new position as Global Chief Marketing Officer at ByoPlanet®.

If marketing were solely about manipulating people into making purchases, none of us would truly be passionate about this field.”

Adrian Fulle

Tom KendallTom Kendall has taken a new position as Global Field Activation Programs Manager at IBM.

You really cannot overestimate the importance of customer experience; it will require a mind-set change for many businesses.”

Tom Kendall

Klaudia TiricoKlaudia Tirico has taken a new position as Content Director, B2B Marketing Exchange at Demand Gen Report.

It’s super rewarding to work for a company and with people who fight for you to help get what you deserve. I’ve been so lucky to have bosses who always had my back. I’m forever grateful and strive to be that person to my team. But no matter what position you take on, always remember that the life you live outside of work is more rewarding than your career. So, take that PTO and step away from the computer screen on your break… enjoy the little things, buy yourself flowers and even take on a side hustle… and be unapologetic about it! In fact, be unapologetic about everything you’re passionate about — in and outside of work — even if it ticks some people off.”

Klaudia Tirico

Kelly FarrellKelly Farrell has taken a new position as Product Marketing Manager at Intercom.

Your greatest accomplishment in life is not your work but rather, showing up and being fully present for people when they need you.”

Kelly Farrell

Ben HarmanusBen Harmanus has been promoted to Principal Editorial Lead, New Media at HubSpot.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the customer experience.”

Ben Harmanus

Ben was featured earlier this year in our “B2B Marketers on the Move: Spotlighting New Leadership & Talent To Kick Off 2023.”
Ashley Amber SavaAshley Amber Sava has taken a new position as Director of Content Strategy at Alight Solutions.

Writers and content creators — if you want to produce something new, consider utilizing original research and actually interviewing SMEs, clients, prospects and internal experts.”

Ashley Amber Sava

Marc MeyerMarc Meyer has taken a new position as Senior Global Social Media Lead at Revvity.

Content isn’t just king in the world of social media – metaphorically speaking, it’s a dictator. From determining what people see to influencing how they feel and motivating action, content has the power to exercise absolute authority over your audience. As a content creator, it’s important to recognize the power of your content and use it wisely to build a loyal and engaged following on social media.”

Marc Meyer

Alice BedwellAlice Bedwell has taken a new position as Content Marketing Manager at Ometria.

It’s more than email engagement and soft metrics. It’s about understanding customers and where they are in their purchase journey to ensure you and your team are supporting their needs in the most proactive way.”

Alice Bedwell

Alice has been featured in our “B2B Marketers on the Move: Celebrating May B2B Industry Movers & New Opportunities.”
Julia KaplanJulia Kaplan has taken a new position as Senior Director, Head of Brand & Content Marketing at Howl.

It’s the people, the mission, the product and the potential to create a brighter future that are the magic.”

Julia Kaplan

Gary GerberGary Gerber has taken a new position as Head of Product Marketing at PayNearMe.

It’s about building a relationship that’s built on trust, not on hype.”

Gary Gerber

Gary has been featured in our “Break Free B2B Marketing: Gary Gerber on Scaling ABM without Losing Focus,” and “28 B2B Marketing Insights To Energize & Humanize Your 2021.”

Amber KroselAmber Krosel has been promoted to Senior Program Manager, Content Marketing at

Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends as well as strengthen existing connections with friends, family or coworkers. As a volunteer, you’ll typically interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which allows you to learn other perspectives.”

Amber Krosel

Ben HibshmanBen Hibshman has taken a new position as Senior Director of Marketing at ZenBusiness.

Christine NurnbergerChristine Nurnberger has taken a new position as Chief Marketing Officer at OutSystems.

Think of your organization as a three-legged stool representing sales, marketing and operations. When one of the legs of the stool is not working right, you have a problem. If you have the best sales team in the world but the marketing team doesn’t identify a buyer and understand their needs, you will fail.”

Christine Nurnberger

Christine has been featured in our “B2B Marketers on the Move: An Autumn Celebration of B2B Industry Marketing Leaders.”
Alexander HoffmannAlexander Hoffmann has been promoted to Senior Industry Manager & Data Strategy Lead at Google.

Sean CrowleySean Crowley has taken a new position as Vice President, Product Marketing at BigTime Software, Inc.

At the end of the day, its the PEOPLE at the company your targeting that ultimately make the decision to buy your products. Sure, there are economic, strategic, operational and tactical criteria your product has to fulfill, but you’ve got to build personalized experiences that reach and engage the right people to even have a chance of winning their business.”

Sean Crowley

Sean has been featured several times on the TopRank Marketing blog over the years, including a full video interview in our “Break Free B2B Marketing: Sean Crowley on Cracking the Alignment Code.”
Amy HigginsAmy Higgins has taken a new position as Director, Content Strategy at Lyra Health.

You should look at your content marketing like a locomotive where you’re going in one direction, but there are many parts that you need to consider to stay on track. The focus should be quality over quantity.”

Amy Higgins

Amy is a TopRank Marketing alumni, and has been featured in our “Top 25 B2B Content Marketing Influencers and Experts To Follow #CMWorld 2022,” and “Top B2B Marketers Share their Content Marketing Predictions for 2021.”
Brian McDowellBrian McDowell has taken a new position as Director of Audience Management at Yahoo.

In the 2020s we have AI and a whole new world of platform efficiencies for collecting and sharing information. We are at a turning point where you either learn to master and leverage these technologies, or get left behind.”

Brian McDowell

Brian has been featured in our “Prepping for #Pubcon Pro Las Vegas: 11 Presentations We’re Looking Forward to Most.”

Thanks To Each of These Inspiring Leaders For Helping Elevate B2B Marketing In 2023

We offer many thanks to each of the talented B2B marketing professionals we’ve featured here, who have all recently been promoted or taken on new industry positions. We’re certain that all of you will elevate with intelligence, relevance and a human touch, and reach new heights in 2023 and beyond.

You can find our previous edition of B2B Marketers on the Move here, and if you want to talk about how to make your own content spring to life this year, we’re ready to help.

You can also learn more about the future of B2B marketing from our CEO Lee Odden, who will be presenting a keynote address during B2B Summit 2023 in Paris, France on June 6, 2023, exploring “Keynote : Human vs. Machine: B2B Content Marketing for the Future.”

BtoB Summit Paris 2023 Lee Odden keynote image

*LinkedIn is a TopRank Marketing client.

Ready to elevate your B2B brand? Connect with our team to learn more today!

The post B2B Marketers on the Move: Summer 2023 Marking Industry Talent & Trust appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.