Friday, October 29, 2021

B2B Marketing News: B2B Content Targeting Strategy, Growing Search & Social Ad Spend, YouTube’s Auto-Chapters, & Dark Mode Marketing Insights

2021 October 29 MarketingCharts Chart

2021 October 29 MarketingCharts Chart Dow Jones Data Identifies B2B Content-Targeting Strategy 73 percent of B2B marketers said they find it reassuring to learn more about a brand even when they're already in the buying journey, while 68 percent view content about a brand that comes from business news and trade media as more trustworthy than information from the brand's website — two of several statistics of interest contained in newly-released survey data of interest to digital marketers. MediaPost LinkedIn Engagement Continues to Grow, Ad Revenue Rising Amid Economic Recovery Record engagement levels, up some 19 percent from the last quarter, were among the quarterly highlights for Microsoft’s LinkedIn platform (client), accompanied by revenue that grew by 42 percent and advertising demand up some 61 percent, Microsoft recently announced. Social Media Today With Younger Audiences Going Ad-Free, Brand Integration Is More Important Than Ever Brand integration is becoming more of a key marketing tactic as more audiences, particularly younger demographics, eschew advertising, leading to new strategic placement options, according to recently-released Nielsen study data. MediaPost TikTok Shares New Insights into Why People Use the App, and How it Celebrates Authenticity As more B2B brands test the waters with social platform TikTok, some 53 percent of global TikTok users have said that they trust others to be their authentic selves on the platform, with some 31 percent viewing its content as uplifting, and 53 percent noting a sense of community among its users, according to newly-released TikTok report data . Social Media Today Facebook tests a new option for cross-posting your Facebook feed posts to Instagram Marketers utilizing both Facebook and its Instagram platform have been giving new options making it easier to share content among the two services, including the ability to cross-post Reels and Stories elements from Facebook to Instagram, Facebook recently announced. TechCrunch YouTube Adds Auto-Chapters as a Search Element, the Next Stage of its Chapters Push Last year YouTube rolled out a smart indexing feature for splitting videos into parts to make finding certain information within a video easier, and recently the Google-owned video platform has given marketers new options for optimizing their video chapter names, along with adding auto-chapter information to provide additional search data insights, YouTube announced recently. Social Media Today 2021 October 29 Statistics Image Talent Gap Hinders Marketers’ Use of AI Some 51 percent of marketing leaders have said that hiring talent with sufficient artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data science skill-sets are among their leading challenges, while tech partnerships, internal cross-training, and selecting the right AI technology were seen as additional top challenges, according to recently-released AI survey data. MarketingCharts Snapchat Adds 13M More Daily Users in Q3, Now up to 500M Monthly Actives Snapchat saw 306 million daily active users during the last quarter, with more than 500 million active monthly users, accompanied by the platform's first ever quarter topping $1 billion in revenue, Snapchat recently announced. Social Media Today Dark Mode for Email Survey: What Do Marketers Think? 72 percent of marketers said that they have dark mode email creation on their radar, with some 39 percent of B2B brands noting that they incorporate dark mode emails, a practice that nearly half of B2C brands utilize, according to newly-released email advertising report data of interest to online marketers. Mailjet by Pathwire Which Media Are Recovering to Pre-COVID Ad Spend – or Exceeding It? Search, social, and other forms of digital advertising are among the media types expected to see the greatest gains during 2021, according to recently-released advertising revenue forecast data. MarketingCharts ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: 2021 October 29 Marketoonist Comic Image A lighthearted look at the “productivity and interruptions” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist Global IT spending to hit $4.5 trillion in 2022, says Gartner — The Register TOPRANK MARKETING & CLIENTS IN THE NEWS:
  • Nick Nelson — 10 Tips for Finding Your Way as a New Entrepreneur — Small Business Trends
  • Lee Odden — 5 SEO Content Writing Tips — InspireFirst
  • TopRank Marketing — B2B Influencer Marketing: Your 2021 Guide To Success [+ 3 Examples] — Pop Pays
Have you come across your own leading B2B marketing news from the past week of industry news? Please drop us a line in the comments below. Thank you for joining us for the week's TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and we hope you'll return next Friday for more of the week's most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post B2B Marketing News: B2B Content Targeting Strategy, Growing Search & Social Ad Spend, YouTube’s Auto-Chapters, & Dark Mode Marketing Insights appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

5 Monstrous B2B Marketing Moves That Will Come Back To Haunt You

Black and white haunted marketing forest scene image.

Black and white haunted marketing forest scene image. Are you making any of these five all-too-common yet often monstrous B2B marketing moves that will come back to haunt you? As we once again greet the season of ghosts and all things haunted, it’s the perfect time to open that creaky cobwebbed door where B2B marketing horrors and nightmares await. There’s no need to be afraid, however, as we’ve got the digital garlic you need to ward off even the most ghoulish of B2B baddies and their marketing missteps and mistakes. Sit back, and let’s take a moment to look at five of the most monstrous and horrifying marketing moves that will only come back to haunt you, and in doing so we’ll go on a digital marketing ghost-busting adventure.

1 — Don’t Frankenstein Your Marketing Efforts

via GIPHY Frankenstein is a symbol of all of those marketing pieces that don’t fit together, combined willy-nilly into a hodgepodge of fragmented marketing that doesn’t offer the kind of cohesive experience savvy marketers are constantly striving for. A mad scientist can work in the movies, but when it comes to real-life B2B marketing, it pays to have a thoroughly sane and well-planned strategy, from concept creation and testing to deployment and measurement. In today's marketing landscape we've got more elements to consider for inclusion in digital efforts than ever before, however knowing which ones work harmoniously together  and which don't is key in order to keep from creating a marketing Frankenstein. We've taken several looks at how B2B marketers can best keep their efforts harmonious and cohesive, such as in the following articles:

2 — Keep Dracula From Sucking The Life From Your Marketing

via GIPHY Dracula and Nosferatu are symbols of marketing that sucks the life right out of your well-intended efforts. Don’t let today’s digital draculas sabotage an otherwise excellent marketing effort, whether it’s in the form of “death by committee,” where the heart-blood of a campaign is weakened over multiple iterations, or by failing to begin with a strong message and then letting any energy it did have become hopelessly watered down. Instead, infuse your B2B content marketing with healthy doses of the best answers and information your target audiences are seeking, and look to include energizing, memorable, and interactive elements to your marketing output. We've got you covered with examples of B2B brands successfully using fresh and compelling elements to bring brand stories to life, including how influence can multiply those efforts, such as in the following articles we've published:

3 — Take The Wraps Off Mummified Marketing

via GIPHY Don’t let your marketing get buried alive like a big-screen mummy, perhaps never to be unearthed and reach its full intended effect. Instead, remember that there's an ideal time and place to unwrap every good marketing effort. Even if a concept must be temporarily scrapped, it could come back to life later on and have great success if rolled out at the perfect time and to the right audience. Timing is everything, as they say, advice that's especially true in B2B marketing. It's key to know your audience, what their paint points are, the questions they're asking, and where they're looking for answers. Then providing solutions becomes a task so clear that even a mummy could do it. Here are several looks at learning more about your audiences, and how to release — or even, in the form of repurposed content, re-release — your best digital output: [bctt tweet="“Timing is everything, as they say, advice that's especially true in B2B marketing. It's key to know your audience, what their paint points are, the questions they're asking, and where they're looking for answers.” — @lanerellis" username="toprank"]

4 — What Would Scooby-Doo? Unmask Your Mediocre Marketing

via GIPHY Great B2B marketing doesn’t need to wear costume masks, as authentic best-answer content shines brightly on its own merits. If your best content is hiding, don’t wait for Scooby-Doo and his Mystery Machine cohorts to unmask it for you. Instead, redouble your efforts to get creative in how and where you publish, share, and promote your top content. There have never been so many digital communication channels as today, and in 2022 the options are bound to increase. More B2B marketers than ever are experimenting with and finding success using new social platforms, whether it's on Discord, Reddit, TikTok or through new features on existing platforms. To help find new destinations for publishing your B2B marketing content, take a peek as these article we've published on the subject:

5 — Let Casper Show That Not All Marketing Ghosts Are Ghoulish

via GIPHY Every B2B marketer will eventually have one or more of the advertising ghosts we’ve looked at so far touch their lives and work, however these experiences don’t need to be sources of shame or distress. Indeed, smart marketers are always learning from past haunted mistakes and sometimes-horrifying missteps, however as Casper the Friendly Ghost exemplified, it’s much better to embrace and own your unique history — warts and all — as it’s only through understanding what didn’t work that we can find what truly works the best. Turning our marketing fears into successes and making learning a lifelong process is at the heart of the following pieces we've made available:

Send Marketing Cold Shoulders Back From Whence They Came

via GIPHY By keeping Frankenstein's disjointed efforts from your marketing, avoiding Dracula's life-sucking bite, unwrapping mummified or mediocre marketing, and embracing our own haunted pasts like Casper, we can craft B2B marketing content that delights, informs, and drives business success. No matter how you slice it, creating award-winning B2B marketing takes considerable time and effort, which is why many firms choose to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Contact us today to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others.

The post 5 Monstrous B2B Marketing Moves That Will Come Back To Haunt You appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, October 25, 2021

10 Actionable B2B Content Marketing Insights From New Research

Professional black women leading group of fellow B2B marketers around table image.

Professional black women leading group of fellow B2B marketers around table image. Where is B2B content marketing headed in 2022 and beyond? Continuing an impressive and time-tested marketing tradition, the recently-released twelfth annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends research report from Content Marketing Institute (CMI), MarketingProfs, and ON24 offers up a bountiful array of insights for B2B content marketers, and helps us answer this key question and several others. The 54-page 2021 edition provides a comprehensive look at how some of the top content marketers have been making an impact and achieving success during the past year, even with the unprecedented challenges we’ve all faced. B2B content marketing is growing in importance, scope, and adoption by organizations of all sizes, and is poised to see further expansion in 2022 and beyond, as we'll examine. Let’s take a look at some of the insights and revelations from the research data that you can take action on and use today in your own B2B content marketing efforts, and include in your strategy for 2022 and well beyond.

1 — More B2B Content Marketing & Greater Success From Defined Strategies

The research’s own introduction summarizes as a key finding the significant success that content marketing has had in the B2B landscape over the past challenging year. It should come as little surprise, as other recent research has also revealed that content-based business models are on the uptick, such as new report data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) contained in its latest “The Economic Impact of the Market Making Internet” study, published every four years. The new IAB data showed that over half of all U.S. advertising and media employment is now derived from the Internet, with a healthy proliferation of business based on content creation — a fact that is backed up throughout much of CMI’s recent research. Having a documented content marketing strategy is a basic yet vital factor seen in the most successful organizations, with 62 percent of the survey’s top performers having a defined strategy in place, compared to only 40 percent of all content marketers taking part in the study, while just 11 percent of the least successful performers said that they had a documented content marketing plan in place. CMI MarketingProfs Image

2 — More Successful B2B Organizations Outsource, Use Content Marketing Tools

A majority of the top marketers in the research — some 57 percent — say that their organization outsources some content marketing functions, a statistic that meshes with the importance of creating best-answer content, whether in-house or in the form of a top award-winning outside agency such as TopRank Marketing. While only half of marketers who describe their organizations’ approach to content marketing as minimally or not at all successful say that they use content creation, calendaring, or collaborative workflow tools, a hefty 83 percent of the most successful organizations did make use of such technology, the report noted.

3 — Measurement, Creativity & Consistency Present In Top B2B Content Marketing

Another differentiator that places a stark contrast between the most and least successful content marketers is that 90 percent of the top performers have a program in place to measure the performance of content marketing efforts, while just 39 percent of the least successful organizations use such measurements. Across the board, today’s B2B content marketers view 2022 with optimism for content marketing, as witnessed by 75 percent of those at the most successful organization who expect content marketing budgets to increase in 2022, with even 61 percent of those having the least success also expecting to spend more on content marketing next year. The most successful firms utilizing content marketing tend to place a higher value on the attribute of creativity, a trait 92 percent of top content marketers said their organization sees as helping to craft successful content, while just 63 percent at lower-performing organizations strongly value such creativity in content marketing, the report noted. Consistency has always been an important element of the process of content marketing, especially in the B2B landscape, however the new research shows just how key consistent customer experiences have become, with 81 percent of the most successful content marketers noting that their organization provides consistent content, while just 30 percent of those at the least successful firms remain consistent throughout the customer journey.

4 — Bolstering Customer Loyalty & Nurturing Audiences Are Key

Another glaring contrast between the most successful and the least successful B2B content marketers is how each utilizes content marketing to build customer loyalty and to nurture new leads or audiences, the research reveals. 78 percent of top performers make a point to use content marketing in loyalty-building programs targeting existing customers and clients, while only 34 percent of the least successful performers do. 64 percent of top performers use content marketing to nurture audiences, subscribers, or leads — a tactic that just 23 percent of the least successful organizations use. [bctt tweet="“B2B content marketing is growing in importance, scope, and adoption by organizations of all sizes, and is poised to see further expansion in 2022 and beyond.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis" username="toprank"]

5 — Empathy Allows B2B Marketers To Capture Greater Attention

The new research shows a general uptick in how content marketing has succeeded in capturing attention in the B2B realm even as competition has escalated as the pandemic has continued, and that the global health crisis has brought the practice of content marketing to more organizations, becoming an essential element to some. Empathy has been a top concern when it comes to garnering that attention, the research also shows, a finding that we’ve emphasized, most recently in our senior content marketer Joshua Nite’s look at, “Why Empathy Matters More than Ever in B2B Content Marketing (And How to Get It Right).” More than half of B2B content marketers in the new research said that over the past year it’s become more challenging to capture the attention of audiences.

6 — Video Investment In 2022 & A Different B2B Content Marketing Landscape

As I covered recently in our weekly Friday TopRank Marketing B2B marketing industry news, 69 percent of B2B content marketers said that they view video as a top area of 2022 investment, according to the new research. Some 77 percent of B2B content marketers said that their content marketing strategy was different now compared to how it operated prior to the pandemic, with 4 percent noting an extreme difference, 15 percent who said it was very different, 22 percent who noted that it had differed slightly, and 36 percent who’ve noted a moderate difference in strategy. 2021 October 15 CMI / MarketingProfs Chart

7 — Large & SMB Organizations Benefit From B2B Content Marketing

CMI's research pointed out that successful B2B content marketing helps organizations of all sizes achieve successful marketing outcomes. From smaller B2B organizations that saw 27 percent of marketers in their ranks report high levels of content marketing success, to 30 percent from those at large companies, content marketing was seen a bringing success due to the value that it provides regardless of organizational size. In 2021 75 percent of B2B marketers working at larger firms said that their organization utilized outsourcing, up from some 71 percent in 2019 — and even more tellingly, up significantly from last year's 61 percent, the CMI research has noted.

8 — Putting Audience Needs & Journey Stages First

87 percent of the most successful B2B content marketers said that their firms focus on putting the needs of their audience ahead of their own organizations' sales or promotional messaging, compared to only 41 percent of those from businesses with the least successful content marketing efforts, the research showed. Similarly, 62 percent of those at top performers noted their organization crafted content with an eye towards the specific stages of buyer journeys, with just 17 percent of low performers taking these element into account in their efforts. CMI MarketingProfs Image

9 — Virtual Events, Research & Blog Posts Are Primary Elements

Today's B2B marketers have more variety and choices than ever when it comes to the elements that can be used in content marketing, however certain digital assets have performed better than others. The B2B content assets producing the best results over the past year include virtual events, research reports, blog posts under 3,000 words, eBooks and whitepapers, and the venerable case study, all ranking above video in the new research. CMI MarketingProfs Image The nearly exponential increase in both the variety and volume of digital assets B2B content marketers are using every day now makes it more important than ever to accurately keep track of vast amounts of content, which is why more B2B firms are also taking a look at an implementing digital asset management solutions, as I explored recently in "Optimizing Digital Assets: How B2B Marketers Can Combine the Best of External & Internal Search Findability."

10 — Content Marketing Hits Multiple B2B Targets

Finally, with all of these increasingly important B2B content marketing elements coming together to form a cohesive strategy, the CMI research has shown the top goals content marketing has brought to organizations from small or large. 80 percent of B2B content marketers said their organization's content marketing efforts created brand awareness, with 75 percent noting it built brand credibility and increased trust, while 70 percent found content marketing successful in educating their audiences. Additional benefits achieved by content marketing were greater loyalty among existing clients and customers, lead generation and nurturing, and content marketing's ability to successfully drive attendance to virtual, in-person, or hybrid events. CMI MarketingProfs Image

Blast Off By Turning B2B Content Marketing Insights Into Action

via GIPHY The 10-plus insights we’ve shared here can help propel your own B2B content marketing efforts to new heights in 2022 and beyond. In order to help you further all aspects of your B2B content marketing strategy, here are five bonus articles we've recently published, each exploring how to craft successful best-answer content: Content marketing takes on added scope and potential for greater and more authentic audience connections when it joins with B2B influencer marketing, an area our CEO Lee Odden explored recently in an episode of our Inside B2B Influence podcast featuring Brian Solis, global innovation evangelist at Salesforce, "Inside B2B Influence: Brian Solis of Salesforce on the Future of Influence in B2B Marketing." No matter how you tilt it, creating award-winning B2B content marketing takes considerable time and effort, which is why many firms choose to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Contact us today to learn how we can help, as we’ve done for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others.

The post 10 Actionable B2B Content Marketing Insights From New Research appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Friday, October 22, 2021

B2B Marketing News: B2B Digital Ad Spending Grows, Google Adds Knowledge Graphs For Podcasts, Instagram’s New Creator Features, & Gen Z Engagement Study Insights

2021 October 22 eMarketer Chart

2021 October 22 eMarketer Chart IAB Projects 8% Growth In 2022 Digital Ad Spend, Warns About 'Bad' Ad Experiences U.S. digital advertising spending is expected to see 8 percent growth during 2022 to reach $165.4 billion, and topping the $200 billion mark by 2025 — increases from 2020's $139.8 billion, according to newly-released forecast data of interest to digital marketers. MediaPost Podcasts Google Knowledge Panels Go Live Google has added podcasts to the services that can have extended visibility Knowledge Panels among the search firm's result pages, giving B2B marketers who utilize podcasts a potential new promotion opportunity, in a recent rollout from the search giant. SEO Roundtable Advertising No Longer The Least-Trusted Profession, But Not By Much Recently-released survey data shows that although advertising executives no longer rank as the least trusted profession, ad professionals are still seen by both U.S. and global audiences as having significant ground to make up when it comes to being seen as trustworthy, as doctors, scientists, and teachers were seen as being in the most trusted professions. MediaPost IndexNow - Instantly Index your web content in Search Engines Microsoft’s Bing has released a new indexing protocol and related third-party integration API — created in conjunction with search engine Yext — which allows for more complete indexing of websites, content management systems, and content delivery networks, Bing recently announced. Bing Twitter Announces New #TwitterPrism Initiative to Maximize Inclusion within Advertising Twitter has begun a diversity and inclusion initiative aimed at marketing partners, with its new #TwitterPrism program to help brands with programs including Cultural Context workshops and co-creation opportunities that bring together diverse creators and marketers, Twitter recently announced. Social Media Today Reddit Brings Back View Counts in Post Insights Social news aggregator and discussion platform Reddit has returned counts of how many times posts have been viewed, a metric the firm removed 2018 as it faced growth and scaling challenges. The return of view counts will be joined by additional new content view analytics information Reddit is looking to roll out to its 430-plus million average monthly active users, the firm recently announced. Adweek 2021 October 22 Statistics Image B2B Exhibition Industry Performance Improves in Q2; Only 2 in 3 Events Cancelled Overall combined physical and virtual B2B event industry performance has begun to see a rebound from 2020's pandemic-led low point, with fewer exhibitions cancelling events, according to recently-released survey data from the Center of Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR). MarketingCharts Instagram adds scheduling and 'practice mode' features for Live creators Facebook's Instagram social media platform has added the ability to pre-schedule content up to 90 days in advance, and a new connection-testing mode, two of several new features the firm has launched surrounding its Live creators feature, Instagram recently announced. TechCrunch Twitter Shares New Insights into Gen Z Usage and Engagement Some 70 percent of Gen Z Twitter users have said that they use the platform’s app to learn about new products — one of several statistics of interest to digital marketers contained in new report data from Twitter exploring how brands can connect to Gen Z using its platform. Social Media Today eMarketer’s B2B Advertising Forecast 2021: 6 Key Insights & Revelations Technology and financial services top the list of industries when it comes to B2B advertising spending, with tech products and services accounting for some 32 percent and FinServ 25 percent — two of numerous statistics of interest to B2B marketers contained in recent advertising forecast data. LinkedIn (client) ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: 2021 October 22 Marketoonist Comic Image A lighthearted look at the “types of creative brief” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist Q&A With Adobe’s Brian Glover: The New Era Of CX Initiatives — Demand Gen Report TOPRANK MARKETING & CLIENTS IN THE NEWS:
  • Lee Odden — Influencer Marketing for B2B [Podcast] — Digital Marketing Institute
  • Lee Odden — The Top Content Marketers: 64 Influential & Educational Content Marketing Accounts You Should Be Following — Content Hacker
  • Nick Nelson — 10 Tips for Finding Your Way as a New Entrepreneur — Small Business Trends
Have you found your own top B2B marketing news from the past week of industry news? Please drop us a line in the comments below. Thanks for taking the time to join us for this week's TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and we hope that you will return again next Friday for more of the week's most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post B2B Marketing News: B2B Digital Ad Spending Grows, Google Adds Knowledge Graphs For Podcasts, Instagram’s New Creator Features, & Gen Z Engagement Study Insights appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Why Empathy Matters More than Ever in B2B Content Marketing (And How to Get It Right)

B2B marketers forming a circle with hands image.

B2B marketers forming a circle with hands image. B2B marketers, ready for some TRUTH BOMBS? Here we go: We need to make our content more human and more empathetic. B2B content doesn’t have to be boring; in fact, it can’t be boring and be effective. B2B buyers are just people — we need to talk to them like people. Are you blown away by the depth and breadth of my insight? Ready to book me at your next marketing conference? Okay, all sarcasm aside: We all have heard the old “B2Me” speech a dozen times. I’m not here to give it to you again. Instead, I want to get deeper into the specifics of what it means to be empathetic and provide value with content. I say this because, despite the hours of keynote speeches on the topic, B2B marketers are still coming up short. In a recent poll, 79% of buyers surveyed said they were served irrelevant content. Your buyers need to make informed decisions and they crave intelligent direction. But a lot of them aren’t getting it.

Why Empathetic Content Matters Now More than Ever

Most B2B buyers are feeling the crunch right now. They’re looking to bounce back from the pandemic — many with newly-structured workforces and processes. They need to create momentum, establish a productive new normal, and roll with the changes that have been forced on every business. And for most, they need to do all of the above within tight budgetary constraints and increased executive oversight. In short, the pressure’s on to make the right decisions and champion change. Stagnating isn’t an option.  To cope with these issues, B2B buyers rely on content that is trustworthy, helpful and informative. The brand that can become a trusted advisor is far more likely to win the business. But when it comes to relevant, empathetic content, we’re talking about more than stat sheets, white papers or case studies. 

Three Key Elements of Successful Content

It can seem like marketing’s goals for content and buyers’ goals for reading it are at cross purposes. Marketers are trying to prompt action; buyers are trying to get information. In reality, though, the two goals go together fine. Informative content can provoke action, if it’s done right. Truly valuable content should be:
  • 1 — Helpful. First and foremost. But it’s important to define what “helpful” means. Helping means giving the reader information that can help them improve their working life. What information can you give that will make your reader better at their job? Or help them impress their boss, get promoted, or round out their skill set? A recent dispatch from Google put it this way: “People report that helpfulness is their top expectation of brands since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 78% saying a brand’s advertising should show how it can be helpful in everyday life.”
  • 2 — Audience-Focused. Too often, marketing content starts with a brand’s product or service, and reverse-engineers it to fit the audience’s pain points. “Our product does X, therefore we need to prove that audiences need X, create that demand and then CTA to a demo.” But truly empathetic content is the other way around. It’s not centered on just the problem set that your solution can solve — it’s looking at the audience holistically.
  • 3 — Purposeful. Consumers are growing more concerned with making sure brands’ values match their own, and the same is true for B2B buyers. Truly empathetic content helps the audience see their ideals reflected in your brand. A genuine expression of your brands’ values can help define who your customers are and start establishing a relationship.
[bctt tweet="“Truly empathetic content helps the audience see their ideals reflected in your brand. A genuine expression of your brands’ values can help define who your customers are and start establishing a relationship.” — Joshua Nite @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]

How to Improve your Content’s Empathy Quotient

So how do you make sure your content is helpful, focused on the audience, and purposeful? It doesn’t happen by accident. Here’s how our agency makes sure that our content passes the test.
  • 1 — Keyword Research. People used to think of keyword research as a way to see how to convince search algorithms that their content was worthwhile. Now we know better: Keywords are an indicator of buyer intent. They tell us what people are searching for, what they need, and how they put that need into words. Keyword research is more than an “SEO play.” It’s foundational for creating helpful content.
  • 2 — Content Architecture. Your brand should have content available for each stage of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to action to advocacy. The best way to make sure you have all the stages covered is to include it in your content planning. Aim for a mix that balances the top, mid and bottom of the funnel, with plenty of content to cover each.
  • 3 — Organizational Data. Marketers should be using their internal customer data to guide content creation, but shouldn’t stop there. Your sales department have invaluable data about frequently asked questions, buyer behavior, demographics and more. Customer service can tell you what features customers value, what they need help with, and so on. Bringing in data from other departments will help you see the buyer as a whole person, not just a marketing audience.
  • 4 — Influencer Contributions. Buyers want to see themselves and their ideals reflected in your content. When you co-create with influencers that your buyers already follow and trust, it’s easier to show how your brand is the right fit. In addition to the other plentiful benefits of influencer marketing, the way it helps establish credibility is a key component.
[bctt tweet="“Your brand should have content available for each stage of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to action to advocacy. The best way to make sure you have all the stages covered is to include it in your content planning.” @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]

Don’t Be Content with Unempathetic Content

B2B marketers have heard for years about how content needs to be engaging, entertaining, informative, and never boring. At the heart of all of these considerations, however, is that content needs to put the audience first. It needs to be based on a deep understanding of what your potential customers need and desire, and it must demonstrate your brand’s values and how they align with your audience. In our neverending quest for more awesome content, empathy should be our guiding light and driving force. Need help with your content? We're here for you.

The post Why Empathy Matters More than Ever in B2B Content Marketing (And How to Get It Right) appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Autumn of Search: In-Person & Virtual SEO Events for B2B Marketers

B2B marketing conference attendees and speakers on stage image.

B2B marketing conference attendees and speakers on stage image. What are some of the top autumn B2B search marketing conferences that will take place in virtual, in-person, and hybrid fashion? As we close in on 2022, more physical marketing events are taking place than were available last year, while others either offer a hybrid online option or are still digital-only experiences. To help you sort out the many B2B marketing conference options available this fall, we've compiled our latest list of the top B2B marketing events to elevate and inform your business strategy, with a special focus on events in the search marketing and SEO space, while still including several general B2B marketing events that feature search industry elements. Marketing conferences offer a true wealth of benefits to marketers seeking the latest learning, new networking opportunities, and the latest industry research and insight to increase brand awareness, but sometimes finding events that match your business and B2B search marketing needs can be challenging. In just the last decade the number of conferences has risen drastically, making it harder than ever to hone in on the ones that can best help build your business, boost your networking opportunities, and offer the most relevant new industry education from top speakers, especially in world of B2B search marketing. For this autumn we've gathered together events that place an emphasis on B2B search marketing in all its facets, and are happy to present them here, in chronological order. All events are virtual except where noted. [bctt tweet="“We’re all the same size rectangle on the Zoom screen.” — Vanessa Colella of @Citi" username="toprank"] Kick back and dig in to our collection of the top B2B search marketing and other B2B-related conferences and events taking place as we head towards 2022.

Autumn B2B Search Marketing Conferences to Inform & Elevate Your Strategy

Advertising Week New York — #AWNewYork When: October 18-21, 2021 Where: New York City and virtual Theme: Marketing & Sales About: For 2021 a hybrid Advertising Week New York event will serve as a worldwide gathering of marketing, advertising, technology and brand professionals, offering major speakers including Amazon vice president of global brand and marketing Claudine Cheever, IBM Watson Advertising head of product marketing Lauren Lee and others. Kate Stanford, Google vice president for Ads Marketing will explore delivering empathy at scale and more, and is just one of six presenters from Google taking part in the event. The Influencer Marketing Show — #IMSLONDON21 When: October 21, 2021 Where: London, UK. and virtual Theme: Influencer Marketing About: An in-person event in London, The Influencer Marketing Show offers brands, agencies, content creators and technology platforms a full day on influencer marketing education and strategy, with top speakers including Becky Owen, head of branded content - Creative Shop at Facebook, Madeline Orme, influencer strategist at Edelman, and others. NOVEMBER State of Search Conference — #StateOfSearch2021 When: November 1, 2021 Theme: Search Marketing About: The one-day virtual State of Search Conference is set to explore search marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), and other search elements of digital marketing, featuring a variety of top industry speakers. AI Summit Silicon Valley — #AISummit When: November 2-4, 2021 Where: Santa Clara, CA. Theme: Artificial Intelligence (AI) About: Expected to take place in-personal, the 2021 version of AI Summit Silicon Valley presents all things artificial intelligence for business marketers, and includes leading speakers from AT&T, Xerox, HPE, IBM Services, Microsoft, Google and more, providing looks at modernizing the search stack using AI and other topics. B2B Marketing virtual ABM Conference — #B2BMarketingABM When: November 2-4, 2021 Where: London, UK and virtual Theme: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) in B2B Marketing About: The hybrid 2021 B2B Marketing ABM Conference is aimed at a deep-dive into the world of ABM for B2B marketers, with four content streams and three days of learning on-tap, and speakers from firms such as Autodesk, Dow Jones, Ericsson, and Panasonic, including sessions exploring intent data and more. SEMrush Webinar — #SEMrush When: November 4, 2021 Theme: Purpose-Driven Content & SEO About: SEMrush's November 4 webinar will examine the purpose-driven side of content and search optimization, with an eye towards driving organic search traffic and conversions, presented by Dale Bertrand, president at Fire&Spark. Pubcon — #Pubcon Where: Las Vegas, NV. When: November 5, 2021 Theme: Search & Social About: Now in its 21st year, Pubcon explores all aspects of search and social marketing, with this year's old-school style single-day Pubcon Las Vegas offering a special focus on recent seismic changes in search engine marketing and optimization, with Pubcon's famous industry networking opportunities. SMX Next— #SMX When: November 9-10, 2021 Theme: Search Engine Marketing About: SMX Next explores actionable tactics to overcome today's many search marketing obstacles, with session tracks dedicated to pay-per-click (PPC), SEO, link-building, and more, delivered by speakers including Microsoft senior director of product marketing Katy Hunter and Barry Schwartz, SEO editor at Search Engine Land. DECEMBER / TBD / On-Demand / 2022 AdExchanger Industry Preview — #IP2021 When: On-Demand Theme: MarTech About: For 2021 AdExchanger's Industry Preview is in podcast form, an annual global forum for marketing technology from AI to search and more, focused on what to expect in MarTech this year, with featured speakers from Axios, IBM, Amazon and others. SMX Build— #SMX When: December 14, 2021 Theme: Search Engine Marketing About: SMX Build explores technical aspects of search optimization and SEO-friendly coding, with session tracks dedicated to discussion and live-coding examples, delivered by speakers to be announced. The ABM Innovation Summit — #ABMSummit When: TBD, 2021 Theme: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) About: The ABM Innovation Summit explores account-based marketing's role in B2B marketing and sales, with an eye towards the future. Last year's event featured top speakers from firms including SAP, Salesforce, and Uberflip. B2B Marketing Expo — #B2BMarketingExpoUSA When: April 6-7, 2022 Where: Los Angeles, CA. Theme: B2B Marketing About: One of Europe's top marketing events will bring its B2B Marketing Expo to California in 2022, expected to offer over 200 sessions, industry awards, and keynotes from top speakers from the American Marketing Association, EMRG, and others, including sessions dedicated to demystifying SEO and more. Social Media Marketing World — #SMMW22 When: March 14-16, 2022 Where: San Diego, CA. Theme: Social Media About: Social Media Marketing World postponed its 2021 event and will hold an in-person conference in March, 2022, with a deep-dive into social media marketing focusing on new ideas and quality networking opportunities, including top presenters. SearchLove 2021 — #SearchLove When: March 24-25, 2022 Where: San Diego, CA. and virtual Theme: Search Marketing About: SearchLove provides a multi-day event focusing on search marketing for in-house and agency search engine optimizers, business owners, marketing managers and more, featuring top speakers including SparkToro's Rand Fishkin, Moz' Britney Muller, and The Nature Conservancy's Lindsay Mineo. DigiMarCon Midwest — #DigiMarCon When: June 9-10, 2022 Where: Chicago, IL. and virtual Theme: Marketing & Sales About: Now pushed out to 2022, the in-person or online DigiMarCon Midwest digital marketing conference offers up emerging strategies on paid search, search engine optimization (SEO), visual and voice search, plus the latest innovative technologies and best practices to move your business to the next level, featuring top speakers to be announced. Email Innovations Summit — #EISConf When: June 21-22, 2022 Where: Las Vegas, NV. and virtual Theme: Email Marketing About: As its name implies, the Email Innovations Summit focuses on the email aspects of marketing, discussing the cutting edge of email marketing trends and featuring top speakers from leading firms to be announced. MozCon — #MozCon When: July 11-13, 2022 Where: Seattle, WA. and virtual Theme: SEO and Search Marketing About: MozCon will take place in Seattle over three days in July in 2022, exploring the latest search, SEO, conversion marketing, and local search marketing trends, featuring top speakers from leading firms to be announced. INBOUND 2022 — #INBOUND2022 When: TBD, 2022 Theme: Marketing & Sales About: INBOUND 2022 will present some of the biggest names and brightest minds in sales and marketing and other industries, and offers speakers from firms including Intuit, HubSpot and others. Past sessions have focused on SEO strategies derived from product design methodology and more. B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange — #B2BSMX When: TBD, 2022 Theme: Marketing & Sales About: B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange brings together thought leaders in ABM, revenue marketing and demand generation, including an array of top speakers.

Get Search Marketing Events On Your Radar

via GIPHY We hope you've found several new and helpful virtual, in-person, and hybrid B2B search marketing events to put on your radar and attend this autumn, and that the networking and industry learning you'll experience from either these conferences or the many others available will help you reach newfound levels of B2B marketing success in 2022 and well beyond. Crafting award-winning B2B marketing takes considerable time and effort, which is why many firms choose to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Talk with us about how we can help, as we’ve done for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others.

The post Autumn of Search: In-Person & Virtual SEO Events for B2B Marketers appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Friday, October 15, 2021

B2B Marketing News: B2B Tech Spending Rises, Twitter’s New Ad Features, Marketers See Diversity Progress, & New B2B Content Marketing Study

2021 October 15 CMI / MarketingProfs Chart

2021 October 15 CMI / MarketingProfs Chart New Research: 86% Of B2B Software Buyers Rely On Third-Party Reviews When Making A Purchase Decision 55 percent of B2B buyers have said that their technology spending will rise during 2022, while some 86 percent of buyers look to online peer-review sites before making purchase decisions — two of several statistics of interest to digital marketers contained in recently-released survey data. Demand Gen Report The future of events: B2B marketers weigh in-person vs. virtual attendance 73 percent of B2B marketers who are primarily focusing on physical events also plan to still attend virtual ones, with some 55 percent noting that in-person events will play a large role in their strategy, according to newly-released report data. SmartBrief Oracle and Microsoft Introduce Enhanced AI Capabilities for Customer Data Platforms New personalization and data gathering technology that come in the form of digital streaming are part of the latest addition from Oracle’s CX Unity customer data platform (CDP), while Microsoft's Dynamics 365 Customer Insights platform is slated to gain new insights from a combination of client website, mobile app, and other data, the firms recently announced . Chief Marketer Twitter to sell mobile ad unit MoPub for $1 bln Twitter will sell its MoPub mobile advertising company, which it acquired in 2013 for some $350 million, to AppLovin Corp for more than $1 billion, as Twitter places greater emphasis on new products aimed at doubling its revenue by 2023, the firm recently announced. Reuters YouTube Tests New 'Engagement Graph' Insights on Videos, Adds New Member Acknowledgement Feature Google's YouTube video platform is set to give live streamers an array of new tools for recognizing long-standing channel subscribers, along with additional options for viewing user engagement data and more, in its latest update, YouTube recently announced. Social Media Today Global marketers are making headway with improving diversity in campaigns Some 63 percent of global marketers have said that advertising campaigns featuring diverse people played a significant role in content decisions, with 34 percent having noted that an accurate representation of the world we live in was the most important objective for marketing campaign content — two of several statistics of interest to online marketers contained in recently-released survey data. The Drum 2021 October 15 Statistics Image Twitter debuts new ad features, revamped algorithm ahead of ecommerce push Twitter has launched a variety of new advertising options for digital marketers, including slide-show ads capable of linking to multiple destination landing pages or websites, along with updating how it matches relevant ads with users of the social platform, Twitter recently announced. Reuters Snap Has More Advertisers On The Platform Than Ever Before Snapchat has launched new features targeted at brands and advertisers utilizing the platform, along with a new augmented reality (AR) partnership, both part of Snap's focus on attracting additional new advertising to the social destination. B&T Instagram Adds Reels Ads into its Marketing API Facebook-owned Instagram has launched features that will ease the process brands go through to incorporate advertising within its Reels short-form vertical video format, with the roll-out of a new Instagram Marketing API, the firm recently announced. Social Media Today B2B Content Marketing Insights for 2022: More Budget, More Work, More Empathy [Research] 69 percent of B2B content marketers said that they view video as a top area of 2022 investment, while some 77 percent said that their B2B content marketing strategy was different now compared to how it was prior to the pandemic — two of numerous statistics of interest to B2B marketers contained in newly-released study data. Content Marketing Institute ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: 2021 October 15 Marketoonist Comic Image A lighthearted look at the “we value your privacy” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist Earth’s Unicorn Population Is Exploding — Wired TOPRANK MARKETING & CLIENTS IN THE NEWS:
  • Lane R. Ellis — 10 Tips for Stretching Your Budget When Growing a Small Business — Small Business Trends
  • TopRank Marketing — Leading Influencer Marketing Agencies for 2021 (Updated) — Influencer Marketing Hub
  • Boomi — Boomi Positioned as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise iPaaS for the Eighth Year — Boomi (client)
Have you found your own favorite B2B marketing news item from the past week of industry news? Please drop us a line in the comments below. Thank you for joining us for this week's TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and we hope that you'll return next Friday for more of the week's most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post B2B Marketing News: B2B Tech Spending Rises, Twitter’s New Ad Features, Marketers See Diversity Progress, & New B2B Content Marketing Study appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, October 11, 2021

50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022

50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022 Collage Image

50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022 Collage Image The business landscape of 2021 includes a wealth of B2B influencers who are shaping the future of marketing for 2022 and beyond. To honor and celebrate our industry's B2B marketing subject matter experts, including many who happen to be speaking at this week's MarketingProfs B2B Forum virtual event, we're thrilled to publish our annual list of some of the world's leading B2B marketing influencers. Each year MarketingProfs B2B Forum is filled to the brim with the latest insightful B2B marketing tactics and strategies presented by a powerhouse lineup of exceptional B2B influencers, and this year is no different. MPB2B will take place October 13 - 14, 2021 and features a stellar group of B2B marketing professionals the programming team at MPB2B has carefully assembled, in an updated virtual format designed to bring you all the freshest industry knowledge without any of the screen fatigue. In the spirit of helping B2B marketing professionals learn more and connect with new voices, we've compiled our latest list of B2B marketing influencers — many who will be speaking at #MPB2B — to follow and learn from in 2022 and beyond. List Methodology — Relevance Rules: Our starting point for this year's list is a focus on the increasing value of resonance in today's B2B marketing landscape, highlighting influencers with audiences that actively engage with their content centered around the practice of B2B marketing. Today's B2B marketing influencers face greater expectations for sharing content than ever, and the experts on our list all rate especially well when it comes to audience engagement and resonance. Using a variety of ranking signals, we've identified and validated the credentials of a powerful group of B2B marketing experts, utilizing influencer marketing platform Traackr along with other metrics. Our list this year highlights the increasing importance of resonance over mere follower numbers, as audience size itself is not a predictor of a successful outcome, and we've also placed increased importance on the degree to which each influencer's social activity drives engagement on the topic of B2B marketing among their audience. A variety of criteria go into such a ranking, including:
  • Audience resonance
  • Topical relevance of the content each influencer publishes
  • Network engagement with on-topic content
Online data for these rankings is pulled not only from Twitter, but also from blogs, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, and several other platforms — an important item to know, as many lists rely entirely on Twitter and don't take into account relevant influencer activity from additional platforms in the social media universe. Network B2B Marketers Many thanks go out to each of these generous B2B marketing influencers who provide top-notch B2B marketing best practices, tips, and advice during this year unlike any other. In our list for 2021 you'll likely see a few familiar faces, along with many new B2B marketing industry influencers, together forming a refreshing mix of professionals to follow and learn from into 2022 and beyond. If you’d like to follow all 50 top B2B marketers in one shot, we’ve made a handy Twitter list for you. Enjoy! Ann-Handley Ann Handley @MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: KICKOFF KEYNOTE Michael Barber Michael J. Barber @michaeljbarber Brand Consultant and Marketing Strategist Andy-Crestodina Andy Crestodina @crestodina Co-Founder & CMO, Orbit Media Studios #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: Start Here: The (Non-Obvious) Prioritized Framework for Digital Marketing David Meerman Scott David Meerman Scott @dmscott Limited Partner and Strategic Advisor, Stage 2 Capital Melanie-Deziel Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Chief Content Officer, StoryFuel MargaretMolloy Margaret Molloy @MargaretMolloy Global Chief Marketing Officer, Siegel+Gale Jason Miller Jason Miller @JasonMillerCA Senior Director, Brand Marketing, CampaignX David Berkowitz David Berkowitz @dberkowitz Marketing Consultant, Serial Marketer Joe Pulizzi Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi Joe Pulizzi, The Tilt Stefan Doering Stefan Doering @MrStefanDoe Brand Strategy Lead, PwC LeeOdden Lee Odden @LeeOdden CEO, TopRank Marketing #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: The State of B2B Influencer Marketing Mark Schaefer Mark Schaefer @markwschaefer Executive Director, Schaefer Marketing Solutions ChrisPenn Christopher Penn @cspenn Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist, Trust Insights #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: What, Why, and How: Analytics Foundations of B2B Marketing Justin Levy Justin Levy @justinlevy Director, Social and Influencer Marketing, Demandbase Larry Kim @larrykim Founder, MobileMonkey Amisha Gandhi Amisha Gandhi @AmishaGandhi SVP, Marketing, Tipalti Ashley Faus Ashley Faus @ashleyfaus Content Strategy Lead, Software Teams, Atlassian Tom Webster Tom Webster @webby2001 Vice President, Strategy and Marketing, Edison Research Dave Gerhardt Dave Gerhardt @davegerhardt Chief Brand Officer, Drift Cara Hogan Cara Hogan @CaraHogan27 VP of Enterprise Marketing, Mary Ellen Slayter Mary Ellen Slayter @MESlayter CEO, Rep Cap Jay McBain Jay McBain @jmcbain Principal Analyst - Channels, Partnerships & Ecosystems, Forrester Juntae DeLane Juntae DeLane @JuntaeDeLane Founder & Chief Strategist, Digital Delane #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: Five Ways to Readjust Your Digital Marketing Plans for 2022 Jay Baer Jay Baer @jaybaer Founder, Convince & Convert Justin Keller Justin Keller @justinkeller Vice President of Marketing, Terminus Peter Isaacson Peter Isaacson @peisaacson Chief Marketing Officer, Replicant Pam Didner Pam Didner @PamDidner Sales Enablement & Content Marketing Keynote Speaker, Relentless Pursuit #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: KEYNOTE with Pam Didner: It’s Time to Crush Your Campaign Plan Joel Harrison Joel Harrison @joel_b2beditor Editor-in-Chief, B2B Marketing Justin Rondeau Justin Rondeau @Jtrondeau Head of Growth & Acquisition, Teamwork Scott Monty Scott Monty @ScottMonty Communications Executive, Chameleon Collective Ashley Zeckman Ashley Zeckman @azeckman Vice President, Inprela Communications #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: The SCHITT’s Method for More Successful B2B Influencer Marketing Chris Moody Chris Moody @cnmoody Senior Directory, Analyst, Gartner Corinne Sklar Corinne Sklar @csklar Chief Marketing Officer, IBM iX Jeannie Walters Jeannie Walters @jeanniecw CEO and Chief Customer Experience Investigator, Experience Investigators #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: Three Universal Truths about Customer Experience Jen Spencer Jen Spencer @jenspencer Chief Revenue Officer, SmartBug Media John Jantsch John Jantsch @ducttape Founder & President, Duct Tape Marketing #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: Rethinking the Customer Journey Justin Gray Justin Gray @Jgraymatter CEO & Founder, LeadMD Kathleen Booth Kathleen Booth @WorkMommyWork Chief Marketing Officer, Maureen Blandford Maureen Blandford @MaureenB2B Managing Director, B2B Unleashed Melissa Ariana Case Melissa Ariana Case @startabuzz Director of Content & Communications, ControlUp Oli Gardner Oli Gardner @oligardner Co-Founder, Unbounce #MPB2B Speaker, Presenting: KEYNOTE with Oli Gardner: The Marketing IQ Manifesto Charlie Riley Charlie Riley @Charlieriley VP of Growth, Havoc Shield Joe Chernov Joe Chernov @jchernov Chief Marketing Officer, Matthew T Grant Matthew T Grant @MattTGrant Director, Content Marketing, LeanIX Gemma Davies Gemma Davies @gdavies2 Senior Director, Head of Global ABM & CXO Engagement, Service Now Gopi Kallayil Gopi Kallayil @GopiKallayil Chief Evangelist, Digital Transformation and Strategy, Google Kelvin Gee Kelvin Gee @kgee Head of Strategic Client Marketing, Central Programs, Oracle Masha Finkelstein Masha Finkelstein @masha3003 Marketing Technology Innovation and Best Practices, Intuit Sangram Vajre Sangram Vajre @sangramvajre Chief Evangelist & Co-Founder, Terminus Tyrona Heath Tyrona Heath @tyrona Director, Market Engagement, The B2B Institute, LinkedIn BONUS: In addition to this list of 50 B2B marketing über-smarties, here is a list of some of our most insightful articles about B2B content marketing from the past 12 months: And here are the previous B2B marketing influencer lists we've published: Thank you to influencer marketing platform Traackr for the use of their software to make this list possible, and to all of the top-notch influencers on the list. Be sure to connect with TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden at the virtual #MPB2B conference,as he presents "The State of B2B Influencer Marketing" on Thursday, October 14 at 11:50 a.m. Eastern, and stay tuned for more B2B marketing industry coverage here on TopRank's Online Marketing Blog.

The post 50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022 appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.