Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Listen Up: Why B2B Marketers Are Embracing #InternationalPodcastDay

Professional B2B marketer woman at microphone image.

Professional B2B marketer woman at microphone image. Why are more B2B marketers than ever before embracing podcasts? As we celebrate #InternetionalPodcastDay — which takes place on Thursday, September 30 — let's look at the many benefits podcasting holds for B2B marketers, and explore a selection of top marketing podcasts from TopRank Marketing, plus other podcasts from a range of other great marketing leaders across the industry. When it comes to learning, marketing podcasts are a powerful way to find new takes and tactics for your B2B marketing. They’re also good for picking up new marketing ideas and getting fresh perspectives you might not otherwise find. Let's explore how optimism for podcasting marketing and advertising has seen significant growth, take a look at several B2B-marketing-specific podcasts, dig in to examples of other podcasts that can help all marketers learn and grow their craft, and also learn how to go about crafting and promoting a successful B2B marketing podcast.

Growing Optimism For Podcast Marketing & Advertising

When it comes to B2B marketing, utilizing podcasts to promote brand content also offers a wide array of benefits — advantages that have grown during the pandemic . Spotify’s podcast listener numbers are expected to increase to 37.5 million by 2023, and to overtake Apple by the end of 2021, in a booming market that is expected to see ad spending of more than $1.5 billion by 2022, according to forecast data. Mobile spending for podcast advertising has also driven increasing optimism among marketers, with 57 percent of mobile advertisers noting that they plan to increase podcast ad spending in the next 6 months, according to survey data. MarketingCharts Podcast Image

Our Leading B2B Marketing Podcasts

When is comes to podcasts specific to the B2B marketing industry, we've got you covered with two distinct flavors of powerful podcast episodes. First up is our TopRank Marketing Inside B2B Influence series of podcasts, which are also available in video form, each featuring a powerhouse B2B marketing industry leader interviewed by our own chief executive and co-founder Lee Odden. Inside B2B Influence has 17 episodes and counting from two seasons, with the latest two offerings featuring Brian Solis of Salesforce and Sarita Rao of AT&T. You'll find them all at our Inside B2B Influence podcast show page. On tap next is our series of Break Free B2B Marketing podcasts, offering three chock-full seasons of subject matter experts, influencers, and future-thinkers each sharing the unique ways they’ve broken free, along with insight on how you can do the same for yourself, your brand, and your business. You'll find over 40 episodes at our Break Free B2B Marketing podcast show page.

Even More Marketing Industry Podcasts to Learn From

The following articles we've published explore a bountiful harvest of additional podcasts that marketers can learn from, including examples from the SAP Tech Unknown podcast* and 3M’s Science Champions podcast*, along with more than 35 other podcasts:

Crafting Podcasts For B2B Marketers

B2B marketers are increasingly utilizing podcasts to promote brand content, and have more often than not successfully reaped the numerous benefits that top-quality podcasting offers. We've explored how B2B marketers can benefit from podcasting, both in the form of co-created content marketing and as more traditional digital brand assets, such as the following eight articles detailing how B2B marketers can go about crafting and promoting business podcasts: [bctt tweet="“Remember, podcasting is not a zero sum game; people who listen to one podcast are more likely, not less, to listen to more.” — Joshua Nite @NiteWrites" username="toprank"]

Amaze With Powerful B2B Marketing Podcast Content

via GIPHY Whether you're just beginning your journey into B2B marketing podcasting or are an old pro who's explored the universe of podcasting and beyond, as we celebrate this year's #InternationalPodcastingDay we hope you've found new insight and inspiration in the examples we've shared. Crafting award-winning B2B marketing takes considerable time and effort, which is why many firms choose to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Talk with us about how we can help, as we’ve done for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others. *SAP and 3M are TopRank Marketing clients

The post Listen Up: Why B2B Marketers Are Embracing #InternationalPodcastDay appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Top 25 B2B Content Marketing Influencers and Experts To Follow #CMWorld 2021

2021 Content Marketing World 25 Content Marketing Influencers Collage Image

2021 Content Marketing World 25 Content Marketing Influencers Collage Image The in-personal and virtual Content Marketing World 2021 is finally upon us. As the largest content marketing conference in the world, CMWorld brings together a leading array of talented professionals who are filled to the brim with curiosity for future trends, marketing insight, and aspirations for new levels of success in the post-pandemic world. For the past 13 years leading marketers from all over the world have joined to gather in Cleveland, Ohio for one of the world's most authoritative content marketing events, and this year's Content Marketing World returns for in-person networking and learning, after taking place entirely in the virtual realm in 2020. Readers of our blog know we have a long history with the conference starting at the beginning, with 11 years of speaking and attending along with eight years during which we partnered with the Content Marketing Institute to develop speaker and influencer content marketing campaigns. A TopRank Marketing tradition that has been imitated in recent years but never truly duplicated is our annual list of content marketing experts ranked according to their social influence, a helpful compilation derived from the hundreds of excellent #CMWorld 2021 speakers. List Methodology: For this list we utilize the Traackr influencer marketing platform to filter the content marketing subject matter experts who are speaking at the current year's Content Marketing World conference — using a large number of criteria including the relevance of the individuals to the topic, the degree to which their networks engage, the size of their networks, and other factors. Online data is pulled in from blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social platforms. The focus topic in question is most undoubtedly "content marketing," and everyone included on this list is:
  • A speaker at #CMWorld 2021
  • Ranked in the top-25 for "content marketing" according to our relevance, resonance, reach and audience metrics
CMWorld 2019 Influencer network Many thanks go to all the people who are actively sharing knowledge about content marketing in 2021 by engaging and helping others with helpful opinions, insights and expertise on the social web. This list is only a beginning point to help expand your own content marketing universe. In this year's list there are a few familiar faces and a welcome number of new additions. We plan to learn new lessons from each of these 25 content marketing influencers, and hope you’ll do the same throughout the rest of the year and into 2022 and beyond.

25 Content Marketing Influencers Speaking at CMWorld 2021

Ann-Handley Ann Handley @MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs Presenting: The Art of Storytelling: Telling True Stories Well Jay Baer Jay Baer @jaybaer Founder, Convince & Convert Presenting: How to Lower the Three Drawbridges of Content Success John Jantsch John Jantsch @ducttape Founder, Duct Tape Marketing Presenting: Rethinking the Customer Journey MichaelBrenner Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael Content Marketing Agency CEO & CMO Influencer, Marketing Insider Group Presenting: 10 Steps To Optimize Your Content Marketing Program for ROI Presenting: How to Define and Build Your Content Marketing Strategy Andy-Crestodina Andy Crestodina @crestodina Co-Founder & CMO, Orbit Media Studios Presenting: From Keyphrases to Content: The SEO Workshop for Hands-on Marketers Bernie Borges Bernie Borges @bernieborges Vice President Global Content Marketing, iQor Presenting: How to Produce Epic Content by Conducting Epic Interviews Carla Johnson Carla Johnson @CarlaJohnson Marketing & Innovation Strategist, Keynote Speaker & Best Selling Author Presenting: Courageous Creativity: How Content Marketers Get to "YES!" with Bold Ideas Andrew Davis Andrew Davis @DrewDavisHere Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Presenting: Embrace The Constraints: Why Adding Constraints Sparks Creativity, Inspires Action & Creates Better Content Ardath Albee Ardath Albee @ardath421 B2B Marketing Strategist & CEO, Marketing Interactions Presenting: Building B2B Buyer-Driven Digital Experiences Amy Balliett Amy Balliett @AmyBalliett Founder & CEO, Killer Visual Strategies Presenting: Building B2B Buyer-Driven Digital Experiences Melanie-Deziel Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Chief Content Officer, StoryFuel Presenting: Prove It: Using Content as Evidence of Your Most Important Claims Doug Kessler Doug Kessler @dougkessler Creative Director & Co-Founder, Velocity Partners Presenting: Ask A Dev: Why Your Content Team Needs Developers! Pam Didner Pam Didner @PamDidner Author, Founder & VP of Marketing, Effective Sales Enablement Presenting: Create A Scalable Global Content Marketing Strategy in 7 Steps Presenting: Let's Get Glocal...Balance Global and Local for Content Marketing Kathy Klotz-Guest Kathy Klotz-Guest @kathyklotzguest Founder, Keeping It Human Presenting: Yes And...And the Culture of Now: Why the Future of Marketing is Improv Erika Heald Erika Heald @SFerika Marketing Consultant, Erika Heald Consulting Presenting: How to Conduct a Social Media Audit That Helps Your Community Thrive Meryl Evans Meryl Evans @merylkevans Digital Marketing Professional,, Equal Entry, ProResource and Diamond Presenting: Accessibility Is Everyone's Job — Marketing Included Michele Linn Michele Linn @michelelinn Co-founder and head of strategy, Mantis Research Presenting: From Flat to Fascinating: 8 Essential Elements to Help Your Original Research Stand Out A Lee Judge A. Lee Judge @ALeeJudge Co-Founder & CMO, Content Monsta Presenting: The Content Remix: Turning Familiar Into Original Presenting: The Future of Work: The Importance of Mentorship Programs Shafqat-Islam Shafqat Islam @shafqatislam CEO, Welcome Presenting: Embracing the Silver Linings: Applying What We've Learned to Build Better Connections (& Become Better Marketers) Zontee Hou Zontee Hou @ZonteeHou President & Chief Strategist, Media Volery Presenting: Content Optimization & Distribution Workshop Presenting: Data & Storytelling: Using Social Insights to Shape Your Content Michael Barber Michael Barber @michaeljbarber Brand Consultant and Marketing Strategist, Presenting: Email Marketing for 2021 and Beyond Presenting: Open Rate Is Dead: What Marketers Need to Know About iOS15 Jessica Best Jessica Best @bestofjess Vice President, Data-Driven Marketing, Barkley Presenting: Email Marketing Workshop: What Works and What Doesn't Work Joe Lazauskas Joe Lazauskas @JoeLazauskas Head of Marketing, Contently Presenting: What Buyers Want from Content Marketing -- And Where Marketers Are Falling Short Joe Pulizzi Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi Founder, The Tilt Presenting: 10 Content Strategies in 20 Minutes: What Corporate Content Creators Can Learn From Content Entrepreneurs Tequia Burt Tequia Burt @TequiaBurt Global Blog Editor, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Presenting: How LinkedIn is Using its Blogs as a Vehicle for Building Diversity Against a Backdrop of Growth Even the most detailed statistical analysis, no matter how deep and well-researched, can only take you so far in finding the people who you'll consider the most helpful and influential in your own daily professional marketing lives, which is why we'd love it if you'd please share the name of other content marketers that influence you the most in the comments section below. To further your own content marketing expertise, here's a bonus list of some of our best recent posts about content marketing: If you'd like to learn more about how being the best answer can help B2B marketers dominate in search, you're in luck, as our CEO and co-founder Lee Odden will be presenting at Content Marketing World on the topic. Here are the details: LeeOdden Thursday, September 30 – 2:45pm – 3:15pm Eastern Workshop with Lee Odden How B2B Content Marketers Can Dominate in Search: Be the Best Answer We hope to see you either in-person or virtually at the Content Marketing World 2021 conference, and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @toprank for real-time updates during the conference using the #CMWorld hashtag.

The post Top 25 B2B Content Marketing Influencers and Experts To Follow #CMWorld 2021 appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Monday, September 27, 2021

How Influencers & Best Answer Content Help B2B Marketers Dominate in Search #CMWorld

Be the Best Answer with B2B Content

Be the Best Answer with B2B Content Great content isn't so great if it's not easy to find. And findable content isn't so effective if it's not trusted. Content is the reason search engines began and yet many B2B content marketers are not taking full advantage of opportunities to attract customers that are actively looking. Instead, the content marketing function at many B2B companies is more about creating content and not so much about promoting it.

Where Has the Marketing in Content Marketing Gone?

The problem with content marketing that focuses mostly on content creation is that the marketing is missing. Sure, B2B brands can throw advertising at their new content to attract visitors - but do B2B buyers love clicking on ads?

Fewer than 1 in 5 US adults trust social media ads. eMarketer

Compare the experience of clicking on an ad vs. seeing relevant information that answers the question behind the search effort? There's an argument to be made that clicking on an organic search result and seeing content that credibly and effectively provides answers to the questions a buyer has, is a much better search experience than ads driving visitors to a landing page. Of course there's nothing wrong with running ads in on social networks or on search engines . If done well, it can be highly effective. But B2B marketers that limit the discovery of their content to advertising are missing the opportunity to create are more meaningful and trusted experience for buyers. By optimizing the search experience for both findability and credibility, B2B content marketers can help their brands be the best answer for the questions that drive customers to use search engines. And not only search, but any source of information discovery. A better search experience is not limited to simply ranking for popular keywords. Connecting interested buyers with the information they need, wherever they are in their journey, means an intentional effort to create findable, credible content that buyers can trust and benefit from. So how can B2B marketers optimize for search and customer experience with their content? Say hello to E.A.T. Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness Here's a deeper explanation of E.A.T., but basically it represents important characteristics of content that Google is looking for when deciding the most relevant and helpful content to show searchers. In other words, what content is the best answer for your customers? Experts on E.A.T. and SEO like Lily Ray have produced substantial content on what to do and what not to do when it comes to E.A.T and search engine optimization.  Within the array of tactics marketers can take to demonstrate expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness, there is a distinct opportunity for B2B marketers to consider how key opinion leaders, industry experts and influencers can play a role in their content. When it comes to content and B2B influencers, we've covered that story from A to Z over the past 9 years or so. B2B marketers know that partnering with influencers creates a number of advantages:
  • Industry experts can add credibility to brand content
  • Influencers can help lesser known B2B brands build their exposure and credibility in the marketplace more quickly
  • Trusted influencers can help B2B brands c0-create more authentic content that resonates with buyers
  • Influencer partners can help B2B brands create more content than they could on their own
  • Key opinion leaders can drive conversations about topics important to brands and their customers through content
  • Influencers can help create and promote brand content to new audiences that ignore traditional tactics like ads
  • B2B brands that develop relationships with the experts in the industry that customers listen to can realize important marketing objectives like increased advocacy for the brand and its solutions
Those are just some of the reasons B2B brands engage with influencers. But what about the SEO value of the expertise, authority and  trust that influencers can bring to content marketing? That's exactly what I'll be presenting on this week at Content Marketing World 2021. Content Marketing World 2021 Here's my session info and a link to a detailed description on the Content Marketing World conference website. Thursday, September 30th – 2:45pm – 3:15pm (Eastern) Room 26: How B2B Content Marketers Can Dominate in Search: Be the Best Answer

Are you a B2B marketer that has worked with influencers?

B2B Influencer Marketing Survey Join other B2B marketers sharing their experience and insights for the 2021 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report. This survey provides B2B marketers with all sizes and levels of experience working with influencers the opportunity to help elevate the practice of influencer marketing in B2B.  Take the Survey today and get early access to the Report plus some great incentives.

The post How Influencers & Best Answer Content Help B2B Marketers Dominate in Search #CMWorld appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Friday, September 24, 2021

B2B Marketing News: Marketer Optimism Soars, LinkedIn’s Thought Leadership Impact Report, Google’s Newsletter Project, & Media Budget Trends

2021 September 24 MediaPost CMO Survey Chart

2021 September 24 MediaPost CMO Survey Chart What New Approaches Are B2B Execs Taking with Their Nurture Programs? 49 percent of B2B marketing sales and technology executives say they’ve started using content engagement data, with 44 percent having begun using account-based nurturing, while some 37 percent say that they've started using intent data, according to recently-released survey data exploring new approaches to B2B lead nurturing. MarketingCharts Intuit confirms $12B deal to buy Mailchimp Financial software firm Intuit will acquire marketing automation platform and email marketing service Mailchimp for some $12 billion, making Mailchimp a brand within Intuit's portfolio and expanding its small business focus, Intuit recently announced. TechCrunch LinkedIn launches a $25M fund for creators, will test Clubhouse-style audio feature in coming weeks Microsoft-owned LinkedIn (client) has rolled out a $25 million creator fund that will play a role in the professional social media platform's new Creator Accelerator Program, and form a pillar in efforts to expand engagement among its 774 million users, LinkedIn recently announced. TechCrunch Where Are Media Budgets Trending for Next Year? A net 76 percent of marketers plan to expand their media budget for digital video during 2022, representing the top area of media expansion planned for next year, followed by branded content by influencers at 71 percent and social media story ads at 70 percent — one of several statistics of interest to B2B marketers contained in recently-released survey data. MarketingCharts 2021 TopRank Marketing B2B Influencer Marketing Survey Image More information on how Google generates titles for web page results Google's Search Central online developer community has released updated guidance on some of the sizable array of elements it considers in pulling together search result page titles — including traditional title tags, half-empty, obsolete, inaccurate, and micro-boilerplate titles, the search giant recently announced. Google Search Central The State of Video Marketing in 2021 [Infographic] The number of businesses utilizing video in marketing efforts rose from 63 percent in 2017 to some 86 percent during 2021, while 90 percent of Instagram users say they follow a business on the Facebook-owned platform — two of several statistics of interest to online marketers contained in recently-released infographic data. MarketingProfs Google's Area 120 team jumps on the latest media trend in its new app Google has begun accepting invitations to test its new newsletter creation app Museletter, which is poised to offer features for sharing content in newsletter and other formats, and which includes options to offer paid subscriptions, Google recently announced. Android Police 2021 September 24 Statistics Image 4 Key Revelations from the Edelman-LinkedIn 2021 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study 56 percent of buyers say if thought leadership content doesn't persuade them within a minute they'll disengage, while 73 percent of buyers say they seek out thought leadership content in order to stay up-to-date with timely industry insight — two of numerous findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in newly-released report data. LinkedIn Twitter Experiments with New Visual Editor, Which Would Incorporate Fleets Tools Twitter has begun testing an updated visual editor for creating messages on its social platform, with new features that include cropping, stickers, plain-text visuals, and other elements, some derived from Twitter's recently-retired story-format 'fleets' editor. Social Media Today Marketer Optimism Hits Highest Point Since 2015, Delta Variant Signals New Crash During august 2021 marketing executives optimism about the U.S. economy recorded its highest figure since 2015, with a 69.6 optimism rating on a 100-point scale, according to recently-released joint survey data from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Deloitte, and the American Marketing Association. MediaPost ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: 2021 September 24 Marketoonist Comic Image A lighthearted look at the “evidence-based marketing” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist This Atmospheric Spot for Maersk Promotes the Brand's New Logistics Services — Adweek Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81 — The Guardian TOPRANK MARKETING & CLIENTS IN THE NEWS:
  • Debbie Friez / TopRank Marketing — What’s Trending: Brand Recognition and Resonance — LinkedIn (client)
  • Lee Odden — Boosting Engagement with Interactive Content — Velocitize
  • TopRank Marketing — Dorie Clark In The News, 2021 — Dorie Clark
Have you come across your own top B2B marketing news item from the past week of industry news? Please drop us a line in the comments below. Thanks for taking the time to join us and explore this week's TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and we hope that you'll return again next Friday for more of the week's most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.

The post B2B Marketing News: Marketer Optimism Soars, LinkedIn’s Thought Leadership Impact Report, Google’s Newsletter Project, & Media Budget Trends appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

5 Fresh Features: What LinkedIn’s New Learning Hub, Ratings & Reviews, Live Events & Page Article Updates Mean for B2B Marketers

Group of B2B marketers around a table planning uses for new LinkedIn features image.

Group of B2B marketers around a table planning uses for new LinkedIn features image. What do B2B marketers need to know about LinkedIn’s* new full-length articles, profile ratings and reviews, Live Events, Learning Hub skill-building platform, and updated accessibility features? The world’s largest professional social media platform — with more than 774 million users — has rolled out an impressive assortment of new features throughout 2021, including five recent additions that bring a goldmine of new opportunities for B2B marketers. For the first time, Microsoft-owned LinkedIn saw annual revenue topping the $10 billion mark, Satya Nadella, chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft announced in July, with quarterly revenue up 46 percent. This growth has been accompanied by a number of powerful and fascinating new feature roll-outs that are poised to make a change in how B2B marketers utilize LinkedIn. Let’s jump right in and look at five of the key new LinkedIn features and how they’ll affect B2B marketers.

1 — Publish Long-Form Content Using Page Articles

LinkedIn has launched a new feature that gives company pages the ability to share long-form content on the professional social platform. Unlike personal LinkedIn accounts, until this addition business pages had faced a limit in the length of the material that could be organically posted. In addition to allowing articles of virtually any length, LinkedIn’s new Articles For Pages feature offers a variety of analytics information about the people and businesses reading and interacting with that long-form content — helpful for businesses to learn more about their target audience. LinkedIn has made the process of publishing detailed articles intuitive, with an interface that’s familiar to anyone who has posted a traditional update on its platform, conveniently available to page administrators as “Write article” as an always-visible option beneath the “Start a post” prompt, as shown in yellow below. LinkedIn Write Article Screenshot Image Editing options for articles include the ability to highlight quotes, incorporate links, and include calls-to-action such as linking to a company website, encouraging readers to become followers of the page, or even downloading a related digital asset. Firms using the new feature will face the issue of determining just how much to publish on LinkedIn versus on their own websites. Through experimentation, company’s can look for a mixture that produces the best engagement and maximum impact for the unique needs of each business. With more B2B brands making significant use of discussion in the form of comments on LinkedIn, the new long-form article feature provides fascinating options for firms to consider when it comes to where they want to engage clients and prospects. Learn more about this new feature at Articles for Pages: Build Community with Long-Form Content.

2 — Share Customer Praise With Ratings & Reviews

LinkedIn also recently began offering review and rating features to user profiles, as part of a new more robust services profile element that can now include a range of past client reviews and ratings. When LinkedIn initially rolled out the ability for individual users and small businesses to create a no-cost service page, the feature was primarily a static list of services — now however, the updated services page optionally allows reviews from past clients to add real-world feedback. Creating a service page on LinkedIn helps users and small businesses make the services they provide more discoverable both on the platform and through third-party search engines, and allows all LinkedIn users to make contact inquiring about the services listed. Learn more about how to create a LinkedIn Service Page, explore frequently asked questions, find out how to invite clients to review a service page, and check out our own "5 Stars: 20+ Tips to Invigorate Your B2B Marketing Using Testimonials & Reviews."

3 — Enhanced LinkedIn Live Experience

Another area that has recently been enhanced by LinkedIn is an updated LinkedIn Live Events experience, allowing users to create more robust virtual events. LinkedIn Live is the platform’s live video feature, and recent updates have combined many of its abilities with those of LinkedIn’s separate event experiences. The integrated offering now automatically creates a public event post for each scheduled live-streaming event, which then appears in the LinkedIn feed. Users who have chosen to attend a LinkedIn Live event will also now receive helpful reminder messages, and LinkedIn will additionally notify certain followers of the company page hosting the event. Another change has made it possible to have more lead time than the previous seven day limit when scheduling LinkedIn Live events. Learn more about the updated integration between LivedIn Live and events, and check out our own "Livestream Marketing: 5 B2B Brands Rocking LinkedIn Live."

4 — Utilize LinkedIn Learning Hub Skill-Building Platform

LinkedIn has just launched its LinkedIn Learning Hub, a robust skill-building platform looking to expand on what is available from traditional learning experience platforms (LXPs). As Amy Borsetti, senior director at LinkedIn Talent Solutions announced yesterday in “With LinkedIn Learning Hub, a New Era of Skill Building Starts Today,” the new LinkedIn Learning Hub is part of a movement that’s fundamentally changing the way people learn. Savvy B2B marketers know that the ever-changing industry requires ongoing education, and with its new LinkedIn Learning Hub, a wealth of learning and development (L&D) offerings are on tap for marketers seeking to make learning a lifelong pursuit.

5 — Lighten The Load On Your Eyes With Dark Mode

Increased accessibility, inclusivity, and reduced eye-strain-inducing blue light are among the aims for LinkedIn’s new dark mode option, being rolled out to the professional platform’s users. LinkedIn has taken a measured approach to carefully implementing its dark mode, which is a part of its move to make the platform more inclusive and accessible through the use of upgrades making the visual elements of LinkedIn as clear and eye-strain-free as possible, including support for the free Be My Eyes app for blind and low-vision users. Learn more about LinkedIn’s new dark mode and other accessibility updates.

B2B Brands Work Smarter With LinkedIn’s New Features

via GIPHY With its latest updates including full-length articles for pages, profile ratings and reviews, LinkedIn Live Events, a new LinkedIn Learning Hub skill-building platform, and new features for accessibility in the form of a dark mode, LinkedIn has made it easier than ever for B2B marketers to create meaningful engagement on the world’s biggest professional business network. Crafting award-winning B2B marketing with a skillful mixture of influence takes considerable time and effort, which is why many firms choose to work with a top digital marketing agency such as TopRank Marketing. Talk with us about how we can help, as we’ve done for businesses ranging from LinkedIn, Dell and 3M to Adobe, Oracle, and others. * LinkedIn is a TopRank Marketing client.

The post 5 Fresh Features: What LinkedIn’s New Learning Hub, Ratings & Reviews, Live Events & Page Article Updates Mean for B2B Marketers appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.